XI | Freedom

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On your way back to your and Harry's ship, you heared an odd sound coming from the alleyway again.

You tapped Harry's shoulder and he stopped, "do ya hear that?"

He stops and litsens, "It's probably nothing... like I told ye before, ignore odd noises lad." He pats your shoulder and tries to walk forward but he hears something that makes him stop.

"Please, please stop, I don't want this." A girl whimpers.

You give Harry a look and he nods his head back and forth, debating weather or not it's a big deal. He sighs, "fuckin hell." He mumbles before going into the ally, you not far behind. Harry grabs out his sword, and you your dagger.

You see a man, completely pantless, and a relentless girl trying to push him off her. Your jaw clenches as does your fist. Harry grips his sword tight and tries not to shout at the man, wanting to take him by suprise so he could get what he deserves.

"Get off of me!" The girl sobbed.

"Shut it." The man smacks her across the face.

Harry sneaks behind him and holds his sword to the man's throat. "Hiya." He greats venomously.

You bring your dagger to his dick and look him dead in the eye, grining angerly. "Wanna share with the class what the hell ye where doin to the lass?"

"I- you see- boys, this is just a miss understanding." The man shutters.

"Ooohh, my bad mate. I thought ye where trying to hurt er." Harry pipes up, taking his sword away from his throat.

"N- n- no, never!" The man chuckles.

"No no, of course not." You smile faulsly, taking your dagger away.

The man chuckles nervously, "I gotta go lads, nice talkin to ya." He says picking up his pants.

Harry stops him, "well hold on, we aren't done yet."

"No, ya see, there's one problem." Your face goes blank.

"And what's that?" The guy asks nervously.

"We don't belive ya." Your hand reaches to your belt and you and Harry back the man into the corner.

"Boys, lads, please, ya gotta hear me out."

"Hmmm. How about," you pull your sword out, and in one swift move you slice the man's dick off. "No." You smile. The man screams in agony. "Hook him." You say bluntly to Harry.

"With pleasure." Harry says, pulling his hook out.

You go towards the girl who was now curled up into a ball, hiding, trying to gather herself together.

"Hey, hey, are ye ok?" You ask gently, kneeling down a few feet from her.

"P- pl- please don't hurt- don't hurt me-" She says between sobs.

"I'm not that monster," you nod to the corner where Harry was hooking the man that just rapped the girl. "I only hurt men who deserve it." You insure. "What's yer name lassie."

She hesitates, "... Octavia Gothel."

"Nice to meet ya, I'm Y/n Pan. The lad over there is Harry Hook." You reach out your hand. "Come on Octavia, let's get ye somewhere warm and safe." She hesitates, but eventually grabs your hand. You help her up, she was skinny, too skinny, like she hadn't eaten in days. "How long ago did ye eat lass?"

"What day is it?"

You sigh, "I belive it's Tuesday." You say, not quite sure yourself.

"Then it's been five days." You sigh sadly and grab the girls pants, they where ripped to shreds.

Harry Hook x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now