XV | Haha, I'm Gay, and This is Smut

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"Uh, Y/n. Bout that kiss earlier..." Harry changes subjects. He grins. "I don't quite remember it all, ye mind givin me a refresher?"

"Yer a dork." You ruffle his hair. You grab his collar and pull him close. Your lips become closer and closer until they're mer millimeters apart. "Ye can't always get what ya want Hook." You whisper, backing away and booping him on the nose.

Harry sighs and smiles angerly. "Yer a brat."

"Mmm, I think ye like that Hook." You trace your fingers along his biceps.

He leans his head back, groaning. "Pan. Ye gotta stop teasing."

"Ok, ok!" You chuckle, your hands trailing down to Harry's chest, and towards his belt buckle. Harry's gaze meets your eyes as yours lays on his. You unbuckle his belt and smirk, "is that a flintlock pistol in yer pants, or are ye happy ta see meh?"

He chuckles and rolls his eyes, "Why don't ye find out for yerself luv?" Harry's breath hitches as you trail your fingers to the edges of his pants, pushing them down. The cool air of the room brushes onto Harry's semi hard on from under his boxers, and he shuts his eyes. "Stop teasing Pan."

"I'm not doing anything."

"Tha's the problem."

"What do you want me to do?" You grab Harry's chin gently and he opens his eyes. Without a word, he places his hand on your shoulder, and pushes you to your knees. You shutter under his touch, but go down with no resistance. Harry's hand makes it's way to your hair and he gently brushes it with his fingers. You hum at his gentleness. You hook your fingers around Harry's boxer rims, and slowly push them off, letting his full seven inches out. You groan in pleasure with Harry. Before your lips connect with Harry's thigh, you ask, "is this ok?"

"Yes." He breathes.

You grin, and connect your lips to his thighs, giving wet kisses and warm hickeys; Harry moans softly, wanting you more than ever.

"Stop teas-" He moans slightly louder as your hand makes it's way to his balls, gently rubbing them. "Stop teasing Pan." He manages to get out, the grip on your hair becoming tighter.

You move your mouth from Harry's thigh to the tip of his dick, giving it a quick little peck, sending shivers down Harry's spine, before taking him in your mouth. He groans in relief, and you moan at the sounds of his pleasure, sending vibrations up his hard cock. You take him in as much as you can, before almost completely spitting him out, only to slowly, and agonizingly, take him back in. Harry's grip on your hair becomes much more rough now. "Y/n, I swear to- fuck- plea-se Y/n!" He whimpers and moans. You start to go at a normal pace, and what you couldn't get in your mouth, you jerked off with your hand. You felt the tension and heat in your own pants, and you couldn't help it anymore. You reached down and unzipped your pants and pushed out your dick as your head bobbed up and down on Harry's.

"Fuuuuuck." Harry moaned, pushing himself further into your mouth. Your eyes watered as you started to gag. Harry heard you and emidiatly stopped. "I'm sorry- we can stop. I got too carried away, I didn't mean ta-" you cut him off.

"I'm ok, it's ok." You whipped a tear.

"Ye sure?" You could see the concern in his eyes.

"Yeah." You got off your knees and your pants and boxers fell to the ground, exposing your dick. "Shit." You cursed, trying to grab them before Harry looked down.

He smirked, stopping you from putting your pants back on. "How bout, we do somethin' else." Harry's breath trickled down your neck as he whispered into your ear. You blushed. Placing his hands under your ass, he picked you up, and he carried you to the desk, moving some things with a swift move of his arm before laying you down.

Harry Hook x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now