III | Like a Pirate

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The next morning you wake up to the sound of... well... nothing. It was peaceful. There was no alarm, no loud sounds. The only sound to be heard was the calm sounds of the waves splashing agenst the boat.

You got up and walked into the main area of the lower deck, you could call it the living room. Still silent. No chaos. No worries. It was silent; peaceful.

You sighed with relief. Then you went back into your room and got dressed. You wore the same thing as yesterday, but instead of your normal leather jacket you wore a longer one, and you wore a utility belt to hold not only your dagger, as well as a small bag of pixie dust.

After putting on your boots you went above deck where you where greeted by Harry.

"Mornin." He greated.

"Morning." You nodded.

"Here." He passed you a sword. You looked at him with confusion. "Well ye already look like a pirate. Might as well learn how ta act and fight like one."

You saw his logic and tied the sword holster around your belt.

"I'll teach ye the basics." Harry raised his sword and you copied his movements. "First." He tilted his sword down, his wrist pointing up and the handle of his sword tipping up. "Second." The end of his sword went up and the handle went down. "Third." The sword end went closer to the middle but still was pointed up and the handle stayed in the same position. "And fourth." The sword end tilted down but was still directed closer to the middle. "And then ye just block whatever I swing at ye, got it?"

You nod, trying it real quick before trying it with Harry. "I'll go easy on ya, don't worry." Harry grins.

You grin back and take the first swing, catching Harry off guard, he didnt expect you to be so bold for your first time with a sword. He blocks your swing from catching his ear and his eyes widen. He strikes back down towards your ankels, and you jump, as you're up in the air you kick his hat off his head and catch it on your sword. Flicking it off before striking again the two of you go back and forth, the clattering of the swords fill the air.

"I must admit, yer a lot better than I thought ye would be." Harry grins as you back him into a post on the ship.

"Well, I'm a Pan, what did you expect?"

Harry's grin becomes wider and he goes for your cheek. Before the blade of his sword can hit your skin you duck, swiping your feet under his. Harry jumps and lands on a barrel. You grin, standing up and continuing to clash your swords agenst one anothers.

"I have to tell you something Hook."

"And what's that Pan?"

"I haven't been totally honest with you."

You jump up onto a barel beside him.

"What do ya mean? We've hardly spoken."

"Well." You swap the sword from your right hand to your left. "I'm not right handed."

(A/n: Please understand that reference)

Harry's eyes widen as your skills become increasingly better. He backs up and falls off the barrel, his sword falling from his hand. You jump down and with the end of your sword you pick up his and launch it to the other side of the boat. Harry gets up and you end up backing him into a post again, giving him a small slash on the cheek before putting your sword away.

"Did I forget to mention I've been fencing ever sense I was five?"

Harry chukled, putting his hand out. "Well played." You shook his hand, but what you weren't expecting was what happened next.

Harry threw you over his shoulder and walked over to the edge of the deck. "What the bloody hell are ye doin ye ignorant cunt!"

"There's lesson two." He put you down on the edge of the boat. "Never trust another pirate."

You kick him in the gut and jump onto his back, wrapping your arms around his neck. He grunts, "Alright alright, I guess I didn't need to-" He gasps for air. "Teach ye that." He taps your arms and you jump down. Gathering his breath he chuckles before saying, "at least I taught ye how ta talk like a pirate. Ye went nuts."

You chuckled too. "Fuck off ye arse."

"There ye go Pan! You'llfit in sooner than I thought."

The two of you chuckle for a minute before collecting yourselves. You sigh, "I don't know if ya know, but I saw a beach earlier yesterday. I think I remember where it is. Wanna head out over there?"

Harry checks the sun, as if he's trying to tell the time. "Sure, I got time."

"Where the hell would ya be going on this dump?" You asked, walking off the ship with Harry.

"Well, I got a job believe it or not."

"Really? No offense, but I thought you'd be the type to steal over paying for something."

"I am, that's me job."

The two of you chuckle as you walk down the docs, getting odd looks from other pirates.

Harry glares at them, "boo!" They all look away and some of them jump, the two of you start gutting yourselves from thier reactions.

By the time you get to the beach your sides hurt from laughing.

"Ya really got a reputation here don't ya Hook?"

"Everyone's scared of me exept for a selected few."

"And why's that?" You ask as the two of you sit just before the water.

"I'm apart of a crew, first mate actually."

"Not captain aye?"

"Na, but Uma, if it wasn't her I'd be, even if there was another I'd take em up, she's the only one I wouldn't."

"You fancy her?"

"No no, nothing like that." Harry picks up a rock and skips it into the ocean.

"Well if ya don't got a thing for er then why don't ya take over er position?"

He hesitates, fumbling a rock between his fingers. "She saved me life, and now I owe er mine." He skips the rock into the ocean.

"Ah, I see."

It was silent for a moment, there was no sound other than the waves of the ocean.

It stayed like that for a bit, the two of you just sat and listened to nothing, looking at nothing in particular.

"Y/n. What was it like over there?" Harry breaks the silence.

"Over where? Auradon?"


"I don't really know. It didn't feel right half the time, y'know? Everyone's either a prince, a princess, magical, or don't matter. My father was never all that special, so that made me nothing. He could fly, yeah, but anyone can if ya try hard enough."

"Have you ever flown?"

"Once... when I could."

"What do ye mean?"

You hesitate for a moment. "Oh uh, pixie dust it's rare, especially now a days. I only experienced it once."


The truth was, you stopped believing. Even the man made stuff was powered on belife. But you didn't say that.

Because you didn't want to belive it.


Harry Hook x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now