VIII | Mally~

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Uma sent you and Harry off to go find Mal, just to keep an eye on her.

"So, how long have ya known sea girl?"

Harry chuckles, "Uh, how long ago did the barrier go up?"

"Twenty years ago."

"That long aye? Well me old man's ex gal had me three years after the barrier went up and I met Uma three years after that so uh, do ye know math?"

"You two have known eachother for fourteen years."

"Sounds bout right. Aye, how old would I be?"

"You don't know yer own age?" Your eyebrows knotted and frowned.

"No, I don't even know what month it is lad, or year. It's been a bit of a blur with all the booze and lack of, well, everything."

"Yer 17 lad." You stop walking and Harry does the same after you. "The year is 2016, and it's roughly December now."

You could see the salty water form at the corner of Harry's eyes. It was almost as if he was relieved, but he wouldn't let tears fall.

"Uh," he clears his throat. "Thank ye." He mumbles so no one around hears, before starting to walk again. You follow.

"So, how old are ye lad?"

"Seventeen, eighteen in February."

"Aye, so we'll make it off this cursed isle before yer birthday. That's good."

You smiled, for being a villain, Harry cared an awful lot, whether he admitted to it or not was a different story. The two of you walked around the isle for quite some time, and after a bit, you saw a face that looked quite familiar. You grabbed Harry by the collar of his coat as you saw them. The VK's as Boreadon called them. They weren't really villains anymore, you didn't know why they where called that now, but along side them stood King Ben. You knew it, he'd come for his perfect little girlfriend.

"What the-" Harry shouts slightly as you pull him back.

"Shut it!" You whisper yell at him, pointing at the group of four. "Bingo."


"It's a childs nursery rhy- nevermind, it's not important right now. There's Ben, now let's just wait till he wonders off from the group."

"How the hell ye know he'll even-" Ben starts to wonder and get further from the group. "Never mind." You pull your dagger from your belt and sneak up towards Ben, Harry shortly behind you. Harry grabs the rope from his bag and gets it ready as you put your hand around Ben's mouth before putting the dagger to his throat.

"Make a noise, and I'll slice your throat wide open." He tenses, but when you remove your hand he doesn't make a noise. "Tie em up would ya?" You ask Harry.

"It'd be my pleasure lad." He starts tying Ben's wrists behind his back before putting a sack over his head. "We should do this some time Pan." He winks at you before tossing the King to a nearby pirate. "Gil, bring him to Uma, and not a scratch! We want his magisty in tip top shape." Harry grins.

It wasn't the first time one of you had flirted with the other, especially over the past week, but this time really caught you off guard. Still, you kept a relitivly normal face, and only made a comment back.

"I might have to take you up on that one Hook." You smirked as you grabbed his collar, flattening and adjusting it before trailing your fingers down his chest. "Ready to scare some goodie too shoes?" You asked.

"With ya? Always." Harry pulled his hook out and you walked infront of him, he walked directly behind you so it looked like you where one person.

"Oh Ben, thank goodness, we thought we lost you, don't scare us like that!" Evie scolded.

"Don't scare yeou?" Harry tried to make his Scottish accent not get in the way of saying you. The two of you walked side by side now, showing that there was more than one. "But that's our speciality." You loved the way Harry said speciality, it made you giggle everytime.

"Harry Hook." Jay said.

"Ah, don't forget bout the wee lad here. Remember him? Oh, of course ye don't. Ye never paid any attention to him did ya? What a shame, he's real rotten when ye get to know him." Harry actually seemed mad, but still managed a smirked.

"What did you do with Ben?" Evie demanded.

"Oh, we nicked him, mhm, yeah." You said, fiddling with your dagger in your hand. "And if ye want to see him again, have Mal," you pointed your dagger up to where her hideout is.

"Come to the Chip Shope tonight. Alone. Uma wants a little visit" Harry finished, grining.

"Aww, Jay. Seems like ye lost yer touch." You pout looking at him, he goes to jump you but Evie stops him. You grin and laugh with Harry.

Looking over to Carlos Harry barks, and he flinchs.

The two of you go to walk off but you stop. "Oh, and ah, by the way. Tell Mally up there, that Pans boy gives no quarter." You grin before joining Harry off back into the alleys of the Isle.


"Pans boy! The hell is he doing with Harry?" Mal exclaims in total shock.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, it's bad." Carlos explained. "He's gone bad."

"Well no duh! Of course he did, Ben and Mal sent him off to this cursed place, and he's a Pan! If you ask me, both Peter and Y/n should've been here since day one!"

"Jay! You know better. No one should get this kind of fait." Evie scolds him.

"What? I'm just telling the truth."

"Well the truth doesn't matter right now. All that matters is getting Ben back." Mal interrupts. "I'm going to the Chip Shope." She gets up only to be stopped by Jay and Evie.

"Hold on, you're not going alone." Jay says.

"You heared Harry! He said for me to come. Alone."

"Like I'll let that happen."

"Evie, if any of you come, Ben is shark bait."

"Mals right, she needs to go alone." Carlos inturupts.

"Really Carlos! This isn't helping." Evie scolds.

"You guys heard both Harry and Y/n. They weren't joking around as much as it seemed like it. They will kill Ben if they don't get what they want." Carlos reasons. "Remember what Y/n said? Pans boy gives no quarter. He seemed pretty serious... he wants blood spilled."

Evie sighs, "please be careful M."

"I will be." Mal says before marching off to Umas Fish n Chip Shope.


Harry Hook x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now