XVI | Our Final Chapter

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Harry's pov.

We woke up the next morning bright and early. You said goodbye to yer father and we went off to our travels. I was happy, ye were happy, we were happy. But now, I wish we never left. I wish I never suggested this trip.

It was noon, yer h/c h/l hair flew in the wind as ya held yer arms out wide at the front of the ship. A huge smile was spread apon yer face as ya giggled while the water splashed up the sides of the boat. Little did I know that it was the last time I'd hear ya laugh.

I saw another ship not far ahead, and it think ye did too, cuz yer smile turned to a frown when ye saw dozens of arrows fly towards us. I couldn't even process it. With no hesitation, ya ran infront of meh.

"No!" I yelled as seven arrows hit yer body like a tsunami.

"No, no no no!" Tears rushed to my eyes. I looked at the ship that had let fire, an Auradon flag was at the top and a small crowd of people cheered as Y/n's blood spilt.

"Y/n. Y/n luv, can ye hear meh?" I panicked. Maybe if I didn't panic-

Yer eyes fell heavy, I could see it, but ya forced them to stay open. "Harry." Even though ye where bleeding out and into my arms, ya still managed to smile.

"Tell me what to do, I need to know what to do." I rushed out. Ya coughed.

"There's nothing you can do."

Tears welded in my eyes. "I can't loose yeou."

"Stop forcing that wonderful accent of yers away." Ye held yer hand to my cheek, and even though it was cold, there was a sense of comfort. "I'll never regret loving you."

Tears rushed down my cheeks like crashing rapids in a river. "Even though it killed ye?"

"I'd rather die a thousand times, than to have never met you."

Your hand fell from my cheek then, and I thought that it was the end. I broke down.

You smiled one last time, "I love you."

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

I love ye

Harry Hook x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now