CH. 4

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Izuku POV:
The bottle was slowly starting to stop and like I said our luck is horrible! It landed on Kurro... Who was glaring at the bottle like wanting to kill it.

Kurro: Truth.

Bakugo: Why did you become a villain?

Kurro: Like you could like to know. Kacchan.

You could sense the tension everywhere. Although I'm also curious, something tells me it's a bad idea. Shadow, Reaper, Kurro and Zuku like to keep to themselves as I've seen. Just like me. They're cautious, silent, don't drag attention to themselves. Just like I was and still am at times....

Bakugo: Please. Answer the question.

The guilt in his voice made it sound desperate.

Kurro: Oh my~ did the Great Bakugo say please? Chuckles Why do you care so much? Scared you're the reason I'm like this? Hate to break it up to you but you weren't even the slice of why I became who I am. Just know that you didn't help at all.

After he said that he left along with Reaper while Shadow rescued Zuku and followed. Most of the students decided to also leave. Since tomorrow most of them are going back to their parents. Due to my quirk problem I'm not allowed to leave yet. Kacchan let go of me and quietly left. I can tell he feels guilty and thinks my other me's are like that cause of him. But to be Honest I believe Kurro told the truth.

Deku and me were the only ones left after everyone slowly excused themselves. I looked at him curious yet scared to ask.

Deku: Just ask. I don't bite like VD. Smiles

Me: Did we end the LOV

Deku: We did..... Though not many made it out of the war.... Luckily our class made it through. Even Mineta, he's changed so much I even forgot how he was before.

Me: How's mom?

Deku: She's doing fine. So is Allmight and Aizawa-sensei

Me: how did you all get here?

Deku: Not sure? I was making breakfast for myself when I was suddenly taken in a portal and I appeared in the nurse office. When I woke up I notice I wasn't the only one.

Me: I see.... Do you miss your home?

Deku: not really... Don't get me wrong I love everyone who's with me but I'm always alone... Being the Symbol of hope doesn't help much... I do miss my friends but at the same time I'm actually happy to get away.

Me: won't everyone worry?

Deku: I don't think so. They're use to me being kidnapped and disappearing for several days all of the sudden.

Me: Kidnapping!?

Deku: I mean I do live alone and I don't have a lover so it's kinda expected. At this point I just see it as small breaks.

There's so many things wrong with that----

Deku: Anyway. I know you're scared that our past will be uncovered. Sooner or later it's bound to happen kid. Mine came out in our 3rd year and was sent to see a therapist. I'm still having trouble getting rid of my selflessness but I'm slowly getting better.

Me: ..... I'm not ready... What if they don't like me anymore? What if they leave me?

Deku: They're our friends... I'm sure they will help...

Me: I'm just... Not ready... I've been alone so long I rather not risk it

He simply nodded in understanding while slowly getting up.

Deku: Maybe us being here wasn't a accident.. maybe fate bought us here to help us. Maybe we have something we need to let go?

Me: ........

Deku: it's getting late kid. Let's go to bed.

I couldn't help but think what he said as I went to my room. Maybe indeed it was fate? Maybe this would help me? I slowly fell into deep slumber not knowing one of us left that night.

Beep! beep! beep! I quickly turned off my alarm clock. Even though it's Saturday I like to work out in the mornings I nearly forgot all about yesterday till I heard knocking on my door. I got up opening the door to see Deku standing there with a nervous look.

Deku: Have you seen Shadow!? Aizawa-sensei came to us since he found out what happened and we couldn't find Shadow. He's missing!

Me: Missing!?

I quickly closed the door and got ready going out to help find them only to stop when I see Aizawa-sensei holding Shadow in scarf with Shinso and Mic-sensei with them.

Aizawa: Simple instructions were given to not leave campus. If any of you leave I'll get you restrictions.

Kurro: You can't really blame us. Being with a bunch of wanna be heroes is annoying.

Denki: Hey!!!

Mina: Rude!!!

Aizawa: shut it! Now explain to me why the hell you were in a damn roof sleeping!

Shadow: You're loud. What do you think genius? I came back from Patrol. Just cause we're in a different universe doesn't mean I'll stop doing what I'm good at.

Aizawa: You are all problem children. I had to get up early to find you.

Deku: I'm sorry Sensei! It's my fault for not watching them!

Me: I also take responsibility Aizawa-sensei!

Aizawa: Just cause you're a hero with a licence doesn't mean you get to be it here kid. The same goes for the rest of you.

Shadow: I'm not a hero. Don't compare me to you. I'm in the gray zone but license or not saving as many people I can is what I'll do.

Shadow wasn't even in Aizawa-sensei scarf!!! Since when did he do that?

Kurro: Look teach. We may look like the idiot hero in training from your world but we're different. We're each different. And sadly you can't do shit to change us.

Aizawa: More like too bad for you brats. Cause that's the only way you'll leave.

All Deku's: What?

Aizawa: putting his scarf back on Shinso call everyone here before they leave.

Shinso: Yes sir.

Something tells me we're not gonna like this at all. What's going to happen to us? Why do we have to change? What Shadow mean not a hero? Oh---- I forgot he was a Vigilante.

We waited quietly; all of us were nervous. Even though not all of us showed it most of us didn't like what this meant. Slowly the common room was full everyone looking at Aizawa waiting for instructions.

Aizawa: We found out how to reverse you guys back to your worlds. But there's a problem.

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