CH. 8

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Midoriya POV:
I didn't want to believe what they said.... I wanted to pretend everything was okay just like before.... Why did this have to happen!? I was finally able to have a normal life!!! Friends!!! A good teacher!.... Life just loves to fuck with me.... I ran inside my room and locked the door shut.

I wanted to scream.... But what's the point?.. If I talk I'll either be known as an attention seeker or a crazy person. Plus... With OFA I can't say anything without risking Allmight's secret.... As I was getting lost in my thoughts I suddenly heard a knock at the door. I got up and opened it.

I honestly expected Deku to come here but I didn't expect to see Zuku standing in front of my door.

Zuku: C-Can I come i-in?

I simply nodded moving aside so he would walk in. Once he walked in I closed my door and let him sit in the bed while I sat at the edge. He kept looking around with sparkle in his eyes. I guess we are a die hard fan huh?

Zuku: Do you trust them?....

He said that in a way too soft voice. But due to us being in silence I could hear him perfectly.

Me: Trust who?

Zuku: Your new "friends"... The heroes... That teacher.

He said it with such venom I was shocked... I mean I didn't like my old teachers or any adult... But I never talked or thought of them with hate....

Me: I trust Aizawa-sensei... He's proven he's trustworthy...

Zuku: Hmm... You didn't answer about those "friends"

Me: ..... I---- I.... They... They are!

Zuku: Are they really?.... Or are they your friends because of that quirk?...

I couldn't respond because I myself asked myself this.... Would they still be with me?... Would they be like everyone else? I don't know...

Zuku: I don't know how you or umm we got a quirk but was it really better?

Me: It is! We can finally be a hero----

Zuku: So you're saying that being quirkless makes us useless?... Just like Kacchan says?

Me: N-no! That's not what I meant! But we have a better way of showing society! We can change what they think! Help those who need us!

Zuku: Do you hear yourself?.... You're just showing they're right... People like us wouldn't really be saved... We would just see you as a liar... Giving fake promises like Allmight.

Me: H-he said we could become a hero!

Zuku: Didn't he say that a quirkless person would die? He's technically saying only with quirk you can be a hero. So no matter how you try to reason you became just like our bullies..... You changed your beliefs to what society wanted. Not what you wanted. We wrote in those notebooks for a reason... To prove then wrong.... Yet you're still hiding behind that mask we wear.... Allmight isn't a hero either..... How many times could be have been watching in his skinny form?... How many people died?....

Me: .....

I didn't want to see... But all he said was right... I changed who I am .... I keep trying to get everyone to like me.... I even forgot who I am... Why I loved writing and analysing... It wasn't just a hobby for me... No it was so much more....

Zuku: I don't mean to hurt or anything.... But are you really happy like this?... Do I have to pretend as well just to be happy? Are we really even happy like this!? If so! Why can't you tell them!?

Me: I'M SCARED!!!!

I finally broke down crying they were right! Reaper... Shadow... Zuku.... Kurro!!! They're all right! I was blind... I can't trust anyone!!! But.... Deku said his friends know his secret.... Was that true? Or did he lie?.... I'm scared....

Zuku: Aren't we all? I was going to commit before coming to your world...

That shocked me... I have thought about what my classmates said but never considered actually doing it....

Me: Why?....

Zuku: I got tired.... The bullying became too much.... Mom is exhausted she barely notices us... Allmight told us... Didn't he? Quirkless people CANT be a hero..... Why are you trying so hard?

Me: ...... I just wanted to prove everyone wrong... I wanted to show them being a hero was possible.... I wanted mom proud of me.....

My tears slowly stopped. I couldn't help but finally realize who I really was..... I was a fake.... I became what society was..... What I so desperately tried to change....

Zuku: We want to leave..... But not without helping you.... You are us after all~ we'll save you from what they became~ you'll be happy that's a promise... But you have to help us... What do you say? You in? Or are you out?

Me: ..... What do I do?
Deku's POV
I was worried for Midoriya... I know Kurro said that on purpose I myself had my own doubts but I know what has to be done... I was in the living room with Izumi and Izu... Kacchan was here too stating at me----

Izumi: I'll go to the room Deku-kun! Izu is still tired.

I nodded and saw how they left. Kacchan suddenly sat Infront of me.

Bakugo: ..... What happened to the nerd? I saw him run.

Me: He's quite confuse in what to believe in right now.

Bakugo: Is this because of the villain him?

Me: ..... Yeah he's just being pressured... He isn't ready for this

I left out a small quiet chuckle. Kacchan kept looking at me before looking away. I was wondering why he's been so quiet now .... Ever since we got here he hasn't screamed...

Bakugo: did we ever become friends again?

Now this did shock me that it took me a while to respond. I smiled softly before replying.

Me: you could say we did... Took a lot of time... We're actually working with a few other people to live together

He stared at me weirdly before nodding leaving me alone in the kitchen. I took out a ring.... A promise one and smiled softly wondering what the boys were doing.... But now I have other things to worry about.... Like what Kurro said.....

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