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Midoriya POV:
We finally made it to Aizawa-sensei's room. Though I'm still wondering why he's staying here? I know he said he'll be 'babysitting' us but why stay here when he's only gonna sleep?

Deku started to knock on the door. It took a while before Aizawa-sensei opened the door.

Aizawa: What do you kids want now? It's early. Sighs

Izumi: it's umm 9 already sir.

Aizawa: Still morning. Sighs What do you kids need? Did one of you leave again? Glares

Deku: Oh umm! No sir we just need help.. We umm wanna try to talk but only with you. We trust you can keep what we say a secret.

Aizawa: .... Very well. Let me wake up Zashi. See you kids in the in the second guest room. Closes the door

Deku: Let's go guys!

We did as Aizawa-sensei told us and waited in the room. A few minutes later Aizawa-sensei walked in closing the door. Most of us were in the bed or standing up.

Aizawa: Let's get this over with. Who's starting.

Kurro: We're just testing if this shit works. If it doesn't we won't talk.

Aizawa: Very well.

Aizawa-sensei nodded sitting down on one of the chairs.

Aizawa: So?

Izuku: I'll start. I guess? It all started when everything in your life either goes well or bad. I had a great family... Friends... Everything a kid would want. But just one word changed my world. I went to the quirk doctor since I was the only kid in my class to not get a quirk.

Most including myself became tense, Izuku simply laughed but the laugh was forced. Those years were the worst. And that day is a memory I could never forget. No matter how much I tried...

Izuku: But of course I ended up being quirkless. Not like it's the end of the world. But it was the end of my dream, my passion and social life.

I could see Kurro and Shadow glaring at the ground while the rest were either in their own world or thinking.

Aizawa: Quirk Discrimination?

Izuku: it's not Quirk Discrimination if you don't have one Aizawa. But just simple discrimination. It wasn't that bad till middle school though. I won't go too much into detail. But my father abandoned me and my mother the next day. My "friends" left me, teachers gave me extra work or failed me. The normal for quirkless people. Mom tried her best, though I knew best that she also didn't want me anymore. I gave up on being a hero after a certain idol I had told me I couldn't. I dropped off Middle School and left to make my own cafe with the money I saved.

Me: What about mom?

Izuku: She gave me some money to last a few years and gave me the apartment we lived on with paid bills for at least 2 months.... She left after that to go with my father. I don't really care at this point it's been 3 years.

He was 12... Just 12 when all this happened... But how? I met Allmight when I was 14... It's the same yet so different..

Aizawa: How do you feel kid?

Izuku: Same as always feel. Numb.

Once he said those words his eyes went dull, like life was taken out of him... So he was faking it too... We stayed quiet for a few minutes waiting to see if we can finally go back to normal. Even in this awkward silence sensei looked calm. After 30 minutes Kurro had enough---

Kurro: It's Fucking 30 minutes already and Mr. Coffee is still here!!! Told you talking wouldn't do shit!

Aizawa: I'll talk with Nem to see what went wrong. Meanwhile Izuku.

We became tense even Izuku. They might not be from here but our sensei never changes I guess.

Aizawa: I know none of you completely trust me but there's more to your story. Maybe that's one reason you still haven't left.

We all simply stayed quiet. It's true that there's more to that story, each and everyone of us knew. Yet we couldn't say anything. I knew the risk of me being send to Hound Dog was high thanks to them yet at the same time I questioned what Deku said... Maybe indeed it was fate..

After Aizawa-sensei left we all stayed quiet thinking. The only who would be affected in this was me so why?... Why do they not talk?.. Do they even want to go back? We all kept to ourselves thinking. I'm scared if my truth comes out what will happen?... Will my friends still support me? Would they still even be my friends? What will the school think?

So many questions and so much at risk... I wanted my other selves to go home but... What if that couldn't help? Did we all have to talk for this to work? Was it really only talking? Deku looked like he was thinking these too... Most of us probably were. After a while Izumi got up with Izu and left..

We all left little by little till only me, Deku and surprisingly Kurro stayed. It was awkward.... Too awkward honestly---- are they going to keep staring!?

Me: U-umm so about going back---

Kurro: Do you want us to?

Me: !? Well umm little Izu needs mom and I'm sure most of you miss your homes.

Kurro: Even if it meant your little story to go out too? Let's face it. We don't want our story known. Even though our stories are different we still have many parts in common. Even if we leave they would treat you differently.

Deku: they wouldn't! Kurro.

Kurro: What!? I'm saying the truth! We had the same treatment expect maybe two of us. But the rest went through being quirkless! We all know that that's the lowest of the low.

Deku: Maybe this can help us though. Maybe we need to move on----

Kurro: Move on from what!? It's our past! Our history! You might have perfect world back at your universe but did you think about the rest!? About him!

He started pointing at me... I wanted to yell that my friends were different... Defend them but I couldn't... I also had my doubts... I wanted to know.. but I was afraid and still am...

We stayed quiet before I got up and left.. I couldn't. I didn't want to face this. Not yet at least! I needed time! Time! My demons were asleep so long I even at some point forgot them... Who's right?... Who's wrong?..

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