chapter two

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"Lets go train!" She says excitedly. "Alright" I say wiping my hands on a piece of cloth.

Minay's P.O.V.

"okay" tossing a wooden staff at my sister which she catches.

" we are doing regular staff combat training and then we'll do the military obstacle course. now heres the catch if you climb the rope and come back down at the end of the course we can-" i begin.

"we can~ have fun and play all day" she says cuting me off.

"sure we can play and have fun tomorrow but that's IF you beat me" i tell her.

"i mean i did beat you last time" she say with sass.

"whatever" i roll my eyes " go!" we begin.


after we trained which coy beat me in one again.we got called in for dinner and after dinner me and Coy sit and just watched the sky.

No ones P.O.V

" do you ever think they whould let us out of hell gates?" Coy asked Minay while focusing on the sky.

Minay sighs "I don't know..but if we bother Grace enough she might give in" Minay say smiling.

" did you ever make any friends when you went to school with the Na'vi children with grace?" Coy asked curiously turning to Minay.

Minay was a bit token back when Coy asked her that question and hesitated to answer.

"I did just a few though.. up to a point" Minay said but said the last words more quietly but Coy could still hear her.

"Sister if you don't mind could you tell me storys of your past friends?" The girl asked with pleading eyes.

"Yeah..well there was a girl named Maru she was the one who always told what to do and what not to do. A boy named Atan did not like me at first he would tell me how different and weird looking I was but over time we became friends. There was another girl named Ninat she whould teach me traditional songs and sing and always got in trouble for telling me them for some reason..." Minay talked about the children she used to go to school with with a big smile that got bigger as she talked about them. While Coy listened and smiled with her as her sister talked.

"but the people i spent the most time with was and boy named tsu'tey and two sisters named neytiri and sylwanin.. but sylwanin passed away.. but they taught me alot." she finished.

"girls! time to call it a day let go!" grace called to them since they where sitting a bit far for the longhouse.

"coming!" coy says back.

they both head back to the longhouse to sleep.

a few minutes later when they both knew the Avatar divers unlinked coy asked.

" did you like anyone?" she asked triedly.

" yep..i liked tsu'tey for some time then i found out his beloved and betrothed was sylwanin .but i think he is betrothed to neytiri go to sleep." and with that the girls went to sleep.

A/N: okay this chapter is shorter i didn't really know what to write for this one. the Na'vi characters i mentioned are from the Avatar comics and Avatar Wiki. ~mouse

published: 6/21/22 at 3:54am
Updated: 3/8/23

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