Chapter fifteen

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Minay P.O.V

(I changed her name more info in the A/N at the end)


So you telling me I spent two and a half months training for this moment. Just to say 'right' when its my turn to get a ikran.? I thought.

Inhaling and exhaling I unclip the Yìmkxa. hoping off the platform I was currently standing on with saelya,Ka'ani and tsu'tey.

While swing the yìmkxa I cautiously take small steps forward. Seeing ikrans hiss and fly away avoiding me, I decide to look up just to see how tall and how many other ikrans were up high.
Then look to in front and continue to walk.

Cautiously walking i bent a corner, I notice up ahead it would be to narrow to continue forward. So Turning around carefully but quickly I realized I was maybe 20 to 30 feet away from where I started.

"This is stressful." I muttered to myself. If I didn't get a ikran today I don't what will happen. "Hey!" I said bucking up to a ikran which in response hissed and flew away. I flinched and backed away watching it fly away. After a second I started to carefully continued forward.

Spotting a mix of a light and dark blue colored ikran,with yellow and yellowish green splotches all over and black splotches like any other ikran. With a yellow tail end and queueing end. It was probably two shades darker the jake new ikran,and it had just landed from what I'm guessing hunting because it was chewing and swallowed something.

I had decided that this ikran was mine, and hopefully it would chose me too.
And as if it had read my thoughts the banshee turned to me and hissed at me.
I hissed back at it.

"Took ya long enough" I said out loud
And ran that it. Dodging out of the way as it attempts to lunge at me.swinging the Yìmkxa around the ikrans big mouth just in time before it could open it mouth again. I could hear cheers, yelling and chanting from a distance
But all I could focus on was bonding with this ikran before it gets a chance to kill me.

Without getting thrown off the ikran I attempted and fought to get this ikran to stay down and still long enough to make
Tsaheylu. I had not luck I kept getting jerked back a little bit every time I was close to bonding. Now I kinda feel bad for joking around on jake while do this.

"You have to make the bond Minay!"
I heard from tsu'tey who apparently got closer some time while I was wrestling with this ikran. I fought with the ikran to bond with it again.

Grabbing one of its antenna with it was try to jerk me off of it,I managed to successfully make Tsaheylu. Seconds after the bond the ikran stop yelping . Because I told it to calm down and it listened to me.

Adjusting myself to keep my balance on the ikran. Tsu'tey ran up to Me pushing the ikran towards the cliff he speaks.

"Your first flight with your ikran seals the bond. Do not wait. Go. fly." He says pushing the ikran.

"Uh fly?!" I say wearily but confidently. But the ikran didn't get that because It dashed off the cliff with no warning. Making me lost grip so now my whole body is up in the air and I'm only holding on by the ikran antennas.

Sreaming...for dear life.

"Mwey!Mwey!Mwey! Please! Calm down!" I screamed at the ikran that was flinging me in the air.

My fear started to turn into irritation, the ikran caught on to that. and and decided to dive right under a waterfall. And kept yelling and yelling.

" be quite and fly correctly!" I yelled at at it angrily. And it finally wanted to listen to me. and calm down and let me balance and get the hang of riding.

" woah..okay go right" I said out loud the ikran flew right swiftly. I could hear cheers from far up in the mountains. Look up I noticed how high the mountain was from flying so low but yet so high.Ka'ani,saelya and tsu'tey looked so small from here.

I decided to fly up to where they were
I dashed up yelling "woo!". Hovering over the cliff they were on. greeting them with a proud smile and new ikran. When they seen me saelya,Ka'ani cheered some more.Tsu'tey stepped a bit closer.

"Good job Minay!, we will join you later when Ka'Ani and saelya becomes Ikran Makto. But For know bond with your ikran." He tells me I nod and told my ikran to "dive" and we flew off to look for neytiri and jake.

While look for the two I started to have a "conversation" with my ikran.
"Well once we have bonded I was "told" that you are male,yeah?" I asked him out loud while we were on "cruise mode". Getting a sound back in response that I was correct.

I hummed thinking "then what should I name you?" I got quite think of a name. when I noticed two ikrans with small figures on them in the far distance flying lower then me and my ikran.

"Alright boy" I said patting him on the side and getting into a good position to dive. We flew down next to neytiri. (Neytiri to the left, jake on the right of neytiri)
"Hey!" I said smiling at the both of the,neytiri smiled at me and took a look at my ikran.

"Hey?! You bonded with a ikran!" Jake said smiled at me." Good job!" He added.
"I am proud of you Minay!." Neytiri told me with a soft smile.

"Thank you, I am also proud of myself"
I said thank them both for their compliments. I flew over to jakes side.

"What did you name your ikran" I asked jake.
" I decided to name him Bob" Jake said telling his ikran name. There was a minute of Silence and disbelief from me.

"Bob?...I mean..knowing you it kinda fits." I say in a judging way. "well hello Bob" i said toward the ikran. "Aright wise one what did you name your ikran"

" I've been thinking of name since we bonded I think I now have a name for him" I said to jake think somemore on the name.

"I've decided to name him Sätswayon the word means flight in Na'vi. And it is pronounced sä-tsway-on." I said happy with the name I choose. Sätswayon made a little sound showing he liked the name too.

"swa-" Jake said trying to pronounce the name.
" set-s-why-on" I said slowly as if I'm saying it to a baby to easily understand.
"Why'ya saying it like that?" His ask as if I was talk to a baby.

" I don't know I thought it would be better for you to understand the name better" I replied to him.

"So set-s-why-on?" He said sounding it out slowly. "Yes now put the 'S' and 'why'

"Set-swhy-on, setswhyon" Jake said again sounding Out The First Time rhen saying it together the second.
"yeah, yeah that'll work.good" I said to him.

"I like the name Sätswayon for ikran" neytiri told me.
" And that's exactly why I picked the name" I told her.


A/N:.....its been five months ik I'm sorry.
When you first started reading this chapter you're probably like did they change thier character's name. you are correct I did I changed Meìnày's name to minay (min-ay) .the reason why is because I was working on just figuring out the children's name's for Avatar:the way of water story I'm going to make after this story is completely finished.and I watch the movie about 15 times cuz I only watched it once. so I'm working ahead on names that's why I changed Meìnày's name to minay. So the introduction of this story and the rest of the chapters has been updated. Also Minay looks different.

This is what minay now looks like. I have also changed Tayäeri son's name to Yane instead of Uitx'ä which I bet no one can pronounce. Okay that's it ~ Mouse

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