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My knuckles ached and throbbed as I heard sirens in the distance. I looked at my father whom lay limp and helpless on the tile floor. And with the last bit of my strength, I spit on him as disrespectfully as possible. Fucking abusive cunt.

My neighbors always sided with the drunken prick, and calling the police seemed to be one of their favorite pastimes. I didn't even run from them anymore. How many times are you going to incarcerate a child for being pushed over the edge constantly..? The epitome of my being has always been set up for ultimate failure. Eventually you just lose your shit.

Which I have- if that wasn't fucking obvious yet.

Scowling, I studied his bloodied face and started to cry. I am so unbelievably exhausted, I just want to be happy man. And the one person I want to be around I pushed away.

For his protection... My mind taunted, but I didn't care. In my head he was already getting back with Amanda. I started to cry more as I dropped my head into my hands, my knuckles screaming as I clenched one of my dreads and ripped it out of my scalp mercilessly. I felt, wet, gooey warmth fall from my head and I laughed manically at the feeling. I grabbed the severed dread and dropped it on the passed out body next to me, blood spattering on his face. I choked out another maniacal chortle. "I am God." I seethed.

My vision started to get blurry- whether it was from loss of blood or the bruises on my knuckles or malnutrition or emotional exhaustion, I couldn't get myself to stand back up. Maybe I just lay next to my dad and die here...

No- if I was going to pathetically bleed out it was going to be away from him. Groaning and grunting, I used both my arms to claw my way to the staircase that lead to our basement. I just wanted to rot alone. I don't want to be saved, I don't deserve to be saved.

At some point my left arm suddenly lost all of its strength and balance and it collapsed under me. An inaudible gasp escaped me before my entire body followed suit, my body tumbling to the very bottom of the hard stairway.

My ears rang loudly and all I could see was a hazy white, I could have sworn many black silhouettes began to crowd around me. This must be what death looks like. At least my evil entities were kind enough to carry me over to Hell since I was now completely immobilized.

The pain started feeling as far away as my conscience, I could have sworn I heard one of my demons crying and weeping as I felt myself being lifted by something soft and weightless. The light in my vision began to fade into a mucky black, and my frail body finally went completely limp.

Finally, I can join my mother in death.

This is the end of everything.

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