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26 years old
Freya, meaning a noble woman.
She is the most responsible, she knows her father will kill her, her sisters, her mother, her aunt and her grandmothers if he ever finds out they were training the sisters. So she protects her little sisters with everything in her which forced her to be responsible.

Everly 24 years old Everly, meaning brave as a wild boar

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24 years old
Everly, meaning brave as a wild boar.
She is the kindest and takes care of her sisters and makes them feel safe and protects them.

Alejandra 23 years old Alejandra, meaning man's defender

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23 years old
Alejandra, meaning man's defender.
She is the angry one, she hates her father and brother because she can't be as strong as she wants to be, they make her restrain herself around them.

Nyathera 22 years old Nyathera, meaning she survived

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22 years old
Nyathera, meaning she survived.
She is street smart, parties, is an assassin and knows how to get what she wants.

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