Chapter 12 - Nevaeh

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Nevaeh POV

I wake to Freya gently shaking me, trying to get me out of my coma like sleep.

I value my sleep very much because I get extremely grumpy if I don't get enough sleep so I hate when people try to snap me out of it.

I flap my hand around like I'm swatting a fly, trying to get her to leave me be, and for a moment she does, and I saviour these precious few minutes of sleep I've got left, which is kinda hard with sleeping beauty, otherwise known as my twin, in the bed next to me snoring like her life depends on it.

Why didn't I sleep in my own room last night?

My evil big sister comes back with a smell that make my mouth water and my stomach grumble.

She knows how to wake us up but she does it in a very evil way.

In my eldest sisters hands is a plate of pancakes, eggs, waffles, muffins and some orange juice.

I'm instantly running to her and stealing the plate and start to devour the whole thing while walking down stairs to the kitchen, which is filled with my older sisters and mum, who is lightly humming while making more pancakes with the help of Nya.

I do a little jog to Eve, who is sitting by the counter and I kiss her cheek while stealing a muffin from her plate then running to the other side of the kitchen while practically swallowing it whole.

She sees and rolls her eyes with a slight smile adoring her beautiful face.

"Segunda hija can you please bring Mae down?"
*Second daughter*

Eve nods and leaves to collect our baby sister while I steal extra food off her plate.

"There's more food you know." Freya walks into the room guiding my half asleep twin to her seat and placing a cup of coffee in front of her, which she instantly guzzles down, like it isn't scolding hot.

"Yeah, but the best food is stolen." I say it like it's a fact and in return I get multiple eyes rolls.

Tavi comes running down the stairs and instantly into the person closest to hers arms, which happened to be Nya, she then goes onto throwing Tavi up and down before twirling around and almost twirls into the oven, luckily mum grabbed her and sat Nya down cause she looked like she was going to fall, she then set Tavi onto her hip and gave her a rolled up pancake, to which she shoved down her throat.

"Ok my babies, after I see Mae me, Ale and Nya are going to have to leave, some ignorant little gang tried to mess with our shipment, so we're going to destroy them." Mum said while giving Heaven her breakfast and kissing her head as Eve walks in with Mae, who instantly reaches for mum.

She happily embraces her youngest daughter and gives her multiple kisses before setting her in the high chair and, like she said, leaves with Ale and Nya.

"Ok I promised uncle Julien that I'd take care of little Jean today while he goes on business, so I'm going to go pick her up and then take Tavi, Mae and her to the park. Does that sound like fun girls?" Eve directs the last part to our little sister, who jumps up while screaming "Cousin Jean!" over and over again with no intention of stopping.

Eve let's out a little laugh while collecting her and the girls things, when suddenly Tavi stops chanting and looks glum.

"What's wrong mi pequeña luz?" Freya asks, suddenly very concerned.
*my little light*

"I-I don't get to see her." She breaks into hysterics, wailing about how she never sees her cousin and the one time she can she has to go to school.

"I won't see her, she'll hate me and renounce me as a cousin." She continues to bawl while Freya and Everly exchange concerned look while me and Heaven exchange amused knowing looks.

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