Chapter 2 - Nyathera

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Nyathera POV

I tuck my gun into the waistband of my jeans and push my hair away from my face to apply our blood red lipstick.

When me and my sisters go on missions, we always put on a different wig and contacts, but the thing that always stays the same is the red lipstick. It's the reason people call us the Red Shadow, they think we're all one person, which makes it all the more fun.

I enter the bar with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes, in a tight white tank top, black skinny jeans and heeled boots.

My eyes immediately find their way to my target who is sitting at the bar, of course a piece of shit like this drinks at 8am on a Monday, probably never having to work again due to the small fortune he got for ratting on my family.

I walk up to the practically empty bar and sit a few chairs down from him, he notices me easily and his eyes instantly go to my chest. Of fucking course.

I give him a smile and next thing I know, I'm pushed up against the alley wall while the asshole is sucking at my neck like a fucking vampire.

While his hands are busy trying to undo my, very simple, bra I stealthily reach for the knife hiding inside my boot and hide it behind my back.

"You know, I am a very kinky person." I can literally feel his excitement, and if you look a little south, you can see it too.

"Wanna have a different kind of fun?" I reverse our roles and push him against the wall, while he looks ready of anything. But he was never ready for what came next.

I take my hand out from behind my back and lightly drag the knife down his cheek.

"Well sweetheart I must say, I've never done this before." He says intrigued, his lips attacking my neck again, but this time I grab him by the neck and slam him back into the wall.

When he tried again, I take a meaner approach. And by that, I mean the knife ended up in his abdomen, and finally he realises that this isn't some kinky shit going on with a random girl he met at a bar.

Be starts to struggle but my grip on his neck doesn't waver. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

I give him a smile that would send the devil running and pull the knife out of his stomach and rub it all over his face, covering him in his own blood. He looks horrified. I love it.

You see, when I'm on missions, I can finally be myself. Whenever I'm around the Moretti family, I have to pretend to be a weak, innocent, little girl. And I can be myself around my sisters, but one of my sisters is 8 years old and another is 9 months old so if I'm myself around them, I'll scar them for life.

"You're going to learn what happens when you cross the Perez family." I recite the words I have says dozen of times before. I am the family assassin, I take care of the people who hurt or go against my family. And when I say family, I mean the Perez. My name may end with Moretti, but I will always be a Perez.

The look of heart wrenching fear is apparent on his face, this is what I love, my targets realisation of who I am, and the he's not going to make it out of this alive.

My hands wrap around his neck as I drag his struggling person deeper into the alleyway and throw him into the wall at the very end.

I take my gun from the waistband of my jeans and shoot him in the leg, I have a silencer but anyone around this part of town will ignore any screams or cries of pain.

"So, what prompted you to betray one of the biggest mafias in the world?" I say while digging my heel into his stab wound causing him to cry out in pain. At this point he's actually crying.

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