Chapter 8 - Alejandra

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Alejandra POV

I sit in my mothers office and do some paperwork.

I volunteered to work for mum so she could watch Nevaehs game, I know she really wanted to so it's ok and they said they'd FaceTime me so I could watch my little sister take everyone out.

I hear a knock on the door and tell them to come in and they do, without looking up I already know it's my aunt Noelle due to the rhythm of her footsteps.

"Hola, mi hermosa sobrina, ¿cómo estás?" Aunt Noe prefers to speak Spanish, no one really knows why.
*Hello my beautiful niece, how are you?*

"I'm fine tía, just a little tired." I say dragging my hand down my face.

"El partido de Nevs es esta noche, ¿verdad? ¿Sabes cómo va?" I shrug as a response, too tired to speak, I've been training the idiot newbies for half the day and doing paperwork for the other half.
*Nevs game is tonight right? Do you know how it's going?*

"Well knowing Nev, she's obviously dominating the game and destroying anyone in her way." I state.

I put my head on the desk and sigh in a desperation for a magic fairy to come and do all my paperwork.

Tía comes closer and runs her hand through my hair, all she's doing is making me even more tired.

The buzzing of my phone brings my head off the desk and tía comes and sits next to me on the desk.

It's a FaceTime request from mum and a tired smile instantly forms on my face.

I accept and the first thing I see on Tavis little face way too close to the screen. Really all I see is her nose and it's adorable.

"ALE ALE ALE, NEV JUST ELBOWED SOMEONE IN THE FACE AND MADE HIM CRY! IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!" Octavia screams, pulling the camera away from her nose while jumping up and down.

I hear a beautiful, melodic laughter belonging to my mother, she holds Tavi close to her body so she doesn't fall off her lap, she also takes the phone away before it gets dropped.

"Hello tercera hija, are you doing alright, you look a little tired, do you need me to come a relieve you?" Ah my loving mother, always ready to drop everything for the sake of one of her daughters.
*third daughter*

"No mamá, stay and watch the game, tía is here with me, I'll be fine." I move the camera to my aunt who gives her sister and nieces a little wave.

"Hola hermana, ¿estás segura de que no me necesitan?" My mother asks, she's always concerned when one of her daughters are alone in the mafia house.
*Hello sister, are you sure I am not needed?*

"No te preocupes, si ella exagera, me haré cargo, ahora disfruta de tu tiempo con tus hijas y dame un beso a la pequeña Mae." Aunt says blowing a kiss towards the camera.
*Don't worry, if she overdoes it I'll take over, now enjoy your time with your daughters and give little Mae a kiss for me.*

We hang up and I continue the torture that is paperwork while my aunt plays with my hair.

After about 10 more minutes I physically can't take it anymore. I decide i need to blow off some steam.

"Hey do you mind taking over? I've just got something to do."

"Only if you tell me what your doing." I sigh. I was hoping she wouldn't ask.

"I'm just going to the ring." The ring is the illegal fighting ring close to our house, I go there a lot but mum and Perez fam don't like us going there because it's owned by the Moretti's.

"It's too dangerous." Tía states.

"I've never seen a Moretti there, all they do is own it." Which is a lie, but I'm fine with the risk, besides, they're very rarely even there, I just show up and see if they're there or not. She looks like the idea of me going there physically hurts her.

"Look I'm going there anyway, but I decided to tell you instead of lying, now I'm leaving, do you mind doing my paperwork?" She leaves an exasperated sigh and nods. I get up to leave and she takes the chair I was in.

I blow her a kiss and she returns it with her middle finger, making me let out a little laugh.

I take my black leather jacket and grab the keys to my car. With Eve not here I can listen to Skillet.

While driving I get another FaceTime request, this time from Nya, I accept and the first I see Heaven reading a book, completely ignoring the game happening in front of her.

The camera shifts to Nya and Mae, who seems to be drifting off to sleep in my sisters arms.

"Hey Ale, thought you'd wanna see how she's doing." Nya whispers, even you I really don't know why when there's a raging crowd behind her screaming bloody murder.

She gently hands Mae to Heaven, who puts her book down and slowly rocks her in her arms.

Nyathera turns the camera around and I see my little sister dribbling the ball to the other end of the court. She annihilates everyone in her way and passes it to the asshole boy she told me about and he shoots, causing the crowd to go wild.

"She's crushing it!" Nya yells, cheering for our sister.

She turns the camera slightly and I see Tavi jumping up and down on mums lap, heaven quietly celebrating while holding a now sleeping Mae and Eve is screaming Nevaehs name, clearly proud of her young sister.

I shout for my sisters victory and smile at Nya before hanging up then continue my drive to the ring.

I arrived at the club Arsenal, owned by my 'father', I change in the car into a black sports bra, leggings and zip up hoodie, I cover my face using said hood. I also tie my hair into a braid and conceal my lips in red lipstick. It's our signature look, braided hair and red lips.

I walk into the club and make my way to the back, you see there's a secret room that leads underground to the ring.

I walk up to the man protecting the entrance of the ring, and I cross my arms and smile.

That's the signal that I'm here to fight. And the signal that you want in to bet is putting your arms in your hips and tilting your head, but I never do that, I always come to fight.

He lets me pass and I walk through the tunnels and down the steps then finally enter a huge hall filled with nothing but people and a cage standing in the center.

Everyone one in here is either in the mafia, rich or a drunk moron, sometimes all in one.

I sign up for a fight, going as Red Shadow, the name me and my sisters share. Whenever we come here to fight, we are always under that name, and we have the same body shape and same tattoo so people never gave it a second thought.

I wait and watch, I watch everyone that is a possible opponent for my upcoming match. There's quite a few but I got the got them all figured out, and not to sound cocky, but I have concluded that non of them are a threat to me.

I scan the room and look to see if any of the fighters have any weapons on them. As I'm doing that, I spot the painfully familiar face belonging to my 'uncle'.

Carlo Moretti.

Well fuck.

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