Maybe the Devil did like the gift

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(Marcel is sitting in a bar, drinking. Klaus enters.)

Klaus: Well, this is a far cry from last night's party.

(Klaus sees Cami sitting in the bar, writing.)

Klaus: Ah, in pursuit of the bartender from "Rousseau's", I see.Marcel: She's a work in progress.Klaus: And yet here you are, pining over her when you should be eating her for lunch. Oh, she must be special.Marcel: Business first. The coroner called. He's got my number in case any dead tourists show up.Klaus: Let me guess – dead tourists with a stamp on the hand and vampire blood in their veins?Marcel: It happens. Someone takes a drunken tumble off a balcony, or into the Mississippi... And today I got two of them to deal with.

(Klaus rises when he hears that Cami is gathering her things and leaving.)

Klaus: Excuse me, love. What's that you're studying?Cami: Abnormal psychology.Klaus: Abnormal psychology, well. Perhaps you could help me diagnose my friend over here. He's been a little bit depressed, can't keep his mind off a girl. He tells me she's a queen, fit for a king. I think he should cut his losses and move on. What's your professional opinion?Cami: (to Marcel) Be a nice guy, and maybe the opportunity will present itself some day.Marcel: How about tonight, nine o'clock? I'll meet you right here?Cami: I'll take it under consideration.

(She leaves.)

Marcel: Mm, harsh.Klaus: I daresay I've lost my touch. Or you've lost yours.

(They smile at each other, sipping their drinks.)

(Hayley walks up to a shop front right when the shopkeeper appears to be leaving.)

Hayley: Hey, hey!Katie: We're closed, sorry.Hayley: I just need one teeny, tiny little herb. Please?Katie: Which herb?Hayley: Crushed aconite flower.Katie: Wolfsbane? That's a poison. You're gonna kill a wolf?Hayley: Just a little one.Katie: Give me a minute.

(Katie goes back into the shop. After a few seconds she comes back, holding a phial in her hand.)

Katie: Cut it with jimson weed. A few drops in some hot tea – that should do it.

(Hayley hands her some money.)

Hayley: Here.

(Katie refuses it.)

Katie: It's an ugly town for wolves. You're doing the right thing.

(Hayley walks away. Katie picks up her phone and calls someone.)

Katie: Hey, wanna gain points? Tell Marcel there's a werewolf in the Quarter.

(Marcel and Klaus are in a garage.)

Klaus: You take me to the nicest places.

(Thierry and Diego open the doors of a car. Two people, Tina and Josh, are lying in the car.)

Marcel: Welcome to the land of the newly dead. I won't waste your time. (to Thierry) I trust you filled them in?Thierry: To be honest, not much in the way of potential here.Marcel: Yeah, well, I just lost six night-walkers. I got holes to fill. I'll keep this quick. That itch you feel? That's the need to feed coming on strong, a hunger for human blood. Drink it – you're a vampire. Don't – you die. Again. This time for good. Right here in a body bag. (to Klaus) Hey, what do you think, cute dorky girl or gay best friend?Klaus: Dealer's choice.Marcel: Dealer's choice, okay.

(Marcel shows them a coin.)

Marcel: Whoever picks up this coin gets to live forever. The other one dies.

(He lays down the coin between them.)

Marcel: Go!

(Josh looks to the Tina. She grabs the coin. Marcel laughs.)

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