From a dismal in distress to a hero

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Our dismal in distress will become a hero in this story since Bowser has lost interest in her. The cap kingdom photo is found online, link:

It's a pleasant day in the mushroom kingdom, with birds chirping and the sun shining brightly. Mario opened his mailbox and found a letter, which is quite familiar:

Dear Mario,

Please come to the castle, I've baked a cake for you.

Princess Toadstool, *wink*.

Mario headed for Peach's castle, and Peach was waving to him in her pink dress. Peach really baked a cake for her, and they went inside the castle and talked.

Suddenly, Peach heard an airship outside the castle. To her surprise, Bowser didn't show signs of kidnapping her this time, and she asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I am going to marry Mario."


"No waste of time, now I am going to take all the wedding stuff and have a wedding with him on the moon."

"No way, Bowser. You are not gay right?"

"I am gay Bowser. Now scram and don't interrupt my wedding with Mario."

"But he is my boyfriend..."

Bowser threw his hat to Peach and sent her crashing into the hat kingdom.


"Where are you taking me?" Mario asked, fearfully.

"I won't hurt you, my dear." Bowser said, "I am going to get you prepared for our wedding, and if you dare to say about that lady in a pink dress, you will be doomed."

"Like how?"

Bowser took out a whip, "Wanna try?"

"No, sorry, Lord Bowser," Mario said, exiting his room quietly.

"Wait." Bowser said, taking out a hat that looks like a tiara and putting it on Mario, "This is your wedding hat Cappy."

However, Mario didn't seem to look happy.

"Doesn't that look good?" Bowser asked.

"It's weird for me to dress in a wedding gown like a lady."

"You will look good, I promise."

In the hat kingdom

The bonnetors were wondering what happened to their houses (which were boomed by Bowser) when suddenly, a lady with a pink dress came crashing down.

"What the heck?" They exclaimed, coming closer to the lady.

One tiara took her crown and tried coming close to her, but she suddenly jumped up.

That tiara panicked and ran away, but Peach kept chasing her, and the tiara finally realized that she is not a bad person.

"Sorry for the drama, but my name is Tiara. Some moments ago a monster with a turtle head, spiny shell, and a white tuxedo came and stole my brother Cappy, bombing our town in the process, and I saw a man with blue overalls on his ship."

"The man is my boyfriend Mario, and Bowser decides to get married to him."

"The famous Mario? Bowser is certainly gay now. Okay, anyway let's go to the top hat tower. Did you see the ship there?"

They made their way across the dilapidated town and a bridge. When they finally got to a door with a hat symbol, the tiara said, "you can throw me at it to open it."

Peach did it and opened the door, where a new area with a high platform and several frogs appeared, she tried her best to jump, but failed as a result.

"You can get up here using me to capture a frog, just throw me at it."

"What's a capture?"

"Throw me at it and you will find out."

Peach threw the tiara at the frog, and she entered the frog's body.

She opened her eyes and saw the past with Mario: how Mario rescues her and Bowser in a tuxedo, driving his airship to the moon while Mario is calling her name.

She was pulled back from her thought and saw her hands turn into a frog's paw, and she jumped up the platform easily.

"You are a frog with a crown now! You can jump as high as a frog since you've captured it." Tiara said, "Now let's get out of here and hurry to the top-hat tower."

They jumped over several platforms and decaptured the frog, running a long way up a slope to the top-hat tower. However, when they were near the top, they saw several rabbits on the airship instead of Bowser.

"Oh no, they are his minions," Tiara whispered.

"Who are they." Peach was curious since she had never seen them before.

"Let's go and take a look."

They went to the top of the tower and the rabbits started laughing.

"Who are you?"

"We are the broodals. Since Bowser decides to give the koopalings and Jr a rest, we are causing mischief this time." Topper said.

"Lord Bowser told us that he doesn't want someone who isn't invited to crash his wedding, and we are here to stop you," Rango said.

"Last time Mario beat us very badly and Bowser was in a fury, and he turned into a monster with black ink. Though Jr and Mario turned him back to normal, we nearly lost our jobs." Hariet said.

Topper jumped down from the airship and said, "Sorry, but you are not invited to the wedding, and I am here to stop anyone who isn't invited, even for ladies."

"It seems a boss fight will start," Tiara said.

"But I've never fought a boss before, Mario always fights for me."

"Well, he isn't here this time, so you need to depend on yourself. You remember that you can float?"

Topper put several hats on his head, and Peach threw the tiara at him and knocked his head down, soon his head is bare.

"Now jump on him!"

Peach floated on him and knocked him flat.

However, Topper got up again with more hats.

"You haven't done it yet!"

Peach repeated the process twice and finally, Topper was launched into the sky and fell into the clouds surrounding the hat kingdom, and after he disappeared, a sparkling pylon appeared.

"Congrats, Peach. You really showed him girl's power." Tiara said, cleaning the sweat from her forehead.

"What does this wire do?" Peach was curious, but did not dare to touch the wire.

"It takes us to the cascade kingdom, where my own airship, the Odyssey is there. Let's go after Bowser and rescue your boyfriend."

Peach threw the tiara at the wire, and they shot into the endless sky into the cascade kingdom, where a great Odyssey is awaiting.

Meanwhile on Bowser's airship...

"Nice dress, Mario!" Bowser looked at the man in a sleeveless, white wedding dress, while Mario felt very weird and crossed his arms.

"Bowser, did you really admit that you are gay? I only said it for fun in Mario 64."

However, with that being said, Mario's face turned a little red.

"In fact, I don't think Peach loves me. She has never expressed to me, and she refused my proposal in the last Odyssey."

"Also, Mario. I kidnapped Peach to see you, but you sent me down to lava each time."

Mario suddenly felt very sorry, and he opened his arms. For the first time, the two different species hugged and understood each other.

Good job, Peachy. The next part of Cascade Kingdom will come out soon (school is boring).

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