The poison sea

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"You may now kiss the bride," Toadworth announced, and Mario kissed her.

"Nice dress, Princess," Mario said, and he was dressed in a stunning white tuxedo.

When suddenly...

"Peach!" A voice shouted, "Time to wake up!"

She opened her eyes and saw Tiara drifting on top, staring at her worriedly.

"Oh, sorry. What time is it?" Peach got up, and was greeted with a broken Odyssey, with black smoke flowing out from all the places, circuit boards exposed, and sparks appearing all over the airship. The sail was also burnt and full of holes.

The driver toad said, "Yeah, the condition of the airship is quite bad, and I think you need more moons to repair it this time. Also, you can't enter it now because the door is delocalized, and I will investigate more about the status of the drive system after you restore it and let me enter. By the way, beware of the poison surrounding the island."

"We are not in the metro kingdom?" Peach wondered when she saw Pauline calling her.

"Princess, it seems you have crashed according to my watchman. It is a tropical kingdom near us called the 'lost kingdom', but please beware of the poison sea nearby, as it is an instant killer. I also suggest you change into your explorer outfit in case something happens."

"Our airship crashed, and the door can't be opened."

"There is an emergency exit on the smoke pipe, and you can go inside as long as it isn't broken."

After going into the airship and changing into her explorer outfit from the wardrobe, just after she walked out from the broken door, she was greeted with a new face: it was pure lime-green, just like a green apple, but his facial feature resembles that of Luigi's--a parted mustache, green cap, the same hairstyle, and clothing. He makes a squishy sound every time he walks on the floor.

Peach was astonished when Luigi appeared, "Like my new friend, Princess?"

"He is your new friend?"

"Yes, the professor made him for me and he is called 'Gooigi'. The professor told me that he can accompany me on my journey a few years later, but not until he has learned all the proper skills. So I brought him on our journey to train him."

Peach reached out her hand, "Nice to meet you, Gooigi. I am the princess of the mushroom kingdom, Princess Peach."

However, the green humanoid didn't answer and hid behind Luigi instead.

"It looks like he is a little shy with a stranger. Anyway, I am going to find more moons and stop pushing him, I will catch up with you later." Peach put her hand down and found a map, "Since I need to restore the Odyssey for you guys to rest in, so hang on for a minute."

"Bye, Peach. Stay safe!"

Peach and Tiara were traveling in the tropical woods and looking at all the new creatures they haven't seen in the mushroom kingdom: wigglers with colored bodies that can stretch to any length, and faceless guys wandering around with hands reaching out on both sides, look like bomb-ombs but are different, as well as the trees that grow sky-high and multi-colored tall grass.

They suddenly spotted Toadsworth and a crazy cap store on the highest cliff, as well as Captain Toadette and a strange yellow creature that looks like Yoshi, "Let's get up there, and perhaps they can offer us more clues, and I am going to buy some cooler clothing in the crazy cap over there."

They started their walk when Peach suddenly said, "This kingdom reminds me of a place."

"What place?" Tiara asked, "As we have a poison sea in the cap kingdom too, but nobody has explored it because the monster has sealed the door away."

"We have gone through a lot of places with poison around us. For example, when I joined their adventure in 2013, I went through a world called the 'jungle', and I have to say it was a rough adventure..."

When suddenly, Luigi called her.

"Hi, Luigi. What's up?"

"I and Gooigi have helped you find enough moons, and you can just go up to meet the Toads. We will help you fix your airship up and join Pauline soon."

"Thanks, Luigi."

When she hung up, she found her hat gone.

"Tiara? Where are you?"

"I am up there!"

Peach saw a huge bird taking the hat in its mouth on the highest cliff, and the Toads were trying to get it, but it escaped every time.

"I am coming, now hang on."

Peach jumped across several obstacles and stood beneath a gap between the wall.

"Peach, do that Mario wall jump."

Peach tried to jump like Mario, but she is not as strong as Mario and she didn't reach the cliff edge.

The Toads took her hands and managed to drag her up, but the momentum sent them flying and one of them crashed into the bird, freeing Tiara.

Peach hurried to her cap friend, "I am glad you are okay."

"Thank you, Princess. Now let's go to the metro kingdom."

"I am going to buy a city outfit for the festival, as it is one of my life experiences."

With that, the sail got another layer and the Odyssey finally managed to take off, carrying all of them to the city of hope.

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