The big city

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Those urban stingbys are disgusting in-game.

"Here we are, at the biggest metro kingdom, which is said to be full of hope... What?"

The crew took a peek outside and saw the metro kingdom was at night, raining heavily, with posters and billboards about Bowser's wedding everywhere.

"What happened to the metro kingdom?" Peach landed the airship at the helicopter spot and stepped out. She saw the mayor in a red pantsuit and high heels surrounded by several city residents putting an umbrella above her, looking distressed.

"Oh my, Pauline. What happened?"

"We were getting ready for the festival when a monster came and sucked away all of our electricity, and have you seen that airship above our city hall? We need someone to go up and talk to the invader."

"I will restore your city to peace, mayor."

"Thanks for your help, and here is a clear pipe for you to travel to the city."

Peach swam through the clear pipe and felt cold, with heavy rain landing on her. She looked around and saw enemies everywhere: tanks that fired bullets everywhere, goombas with Bowser's top hat, and disgusting white creatures that crawled on the ground. She shivered as the rain soaked her clothing.

"Come on. You can't confront him like this. Can you get some warmer clothing?" Tiara sighed at the corrupted city.

"I don't think so, but I think it will be better if we do that fast, and I would like the city to be saved," Peach said, marching forward and stumping a goomba.

When they got to the edge, they traveled through the city in distress, seeing several red and spinning construction towers.

"No way we need to platform through the towers, we have no safety equipment, and it is so slippery here." Peach stepped back several steps after looking down at the abyss underneath, almost running into a goomba, "Is there any other way to go?"

"No, but you need to go through that." Tiara is also shivering at the top of her head.

She looked at the airship and the distressed hero looking down at her for help.

"We need to do that for Mario and for the mushroom kingdom," Peach said as she tied up her dress above her knees and stepped onto the towers.

"One word before that, Peach." Tiara floated off, "It's very dangerous platforming through the section, and you don't have that skills as Mario. I think anything can happen, and I may not be able to catch you if you slip."

"We will get there eventually, and if they marry, I can't imagine what the mushroom kingdom and he will become. If that happens, everyone thinks he is a traitor, and he can never go back to the mushroom kingdom and see his brother again."

She stepped on the swaying construction platforms and felt the cold wind running right into her face, and the rain soaked her dress. Then step by step, the two traveled higher and higher up.

The section ended on the balcony of a building, and Peach stepped onto it.

"We are halfway there, and let's go through the building to the top."

When they got inside, they almost jumped: the inside of the building was incomplete, and there were only moving platforms traveling up and down, and more disgusting white larvas were moving everywhere, with the posters of Bowser's wedding on the walls.

Peach accidentally kicked a can and saw it falling into the deep abyss. However, she spotted a clear pipe on the other side higher up.

"I think this pipe will lead to the top of the building."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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