The modern woods

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My own imagination added to the Torkdrift boss fight.

"What's our next stop?" Peach asked a toad after fully recovering from the incident in the Lake Kingdom.

"Our next destination is the wooded kingdom, where a species of robots are looking after the steam garden."

"Steam garden?"

"The steam garden..." Toad was scrolling through many pages of the manual on the control deck, "It is a garden in a greenhouse, while the outside is covered in white snow. The steam garden is famous for the flowers for weddings. It's said the bouquet made with these flowers can bring eternal happiness to the couple."

Suddenly, a robot-like gardener stopped them before the greenhouse, "An intruder broke into the steam garden just now and planted poison-spitting plants everywhere. Now the parking lot is also filled with poison, and you have to park your hat ship outside. And by the way, I am a resident in the steam garden, and the monster has brought a huge impact on our life. So kind princess, could you please fix the problem for us? You have our greatest gratitude."

"Of course, we can, and you can get back to your paradise soon."

Peach told toad and Luigi to stay in the Odyssey, and she walked into the greenhouse.

Suddenly, she saw an airship in the sky and after zooming in with a pair of binoculars, tiara sighed, "It's too late."

"What do you mean?"

"They are traveling to the next kingdom, and the flowers are already taken away."

"Let's first got those poison plants away, okay? I promise to get your brother back safely."

"And before you go, I have something for you." A toad came out and cast magic using a wand, "This sends the poison plants to sleep, and clears all the poison. Good luck!"

Peach was searching for people in the woods when suddenly saw a cave, she entered the cave and when she came out from the other side, she saw a number of robots staring at the empty flower field sadly.

"Traveller, can you help us? The monster plucked all the flowers away to plant his own flower to make his bouquet. Could you please give our flowers back?"

"We need those flowers to make a living, as the lake kingdoms have fashionable lochladies who use these flowers as decoration, and couples worldwide use our flowers as their wedding bouquets to bring eternal happiness."

"We didn't know where the monster went, but we did see a mutated rabbit landing in our sky garden just now, and he started stealing flowers there too."

"Sky garden?"

"It has the best flowers there, and they are the flowers we are proudest of. It's not far from here, and let me teleport you there."

The steam gardener opened a painting on his body and it showed a poison-spitting rabbit in the sky garden.

"Yes, so this is what happened to our sky garden. Good luck, traveler!"

Spewart was spitting poison in the sky garden when Peach came, and there was almost no place to stand.

As soon as Spewart spotted the intruder, he said, "Thanks for the flower, you must tell those robots. However, remember you are not invited to the boss's wedding." Then he spat another round of poison, but Peach threw the hat and cleared the poison in time to prevent poisoning herself.

Suddenly, she heard a voice calling, "Princess!"

She turned and saw Luigi and the toad.

"We can do a ground pound together to defeat the boss! Remember what Mario and I have done a few years ago?"

Luigi threw his hat on the boss and stunned him, then all of them got on the boss.

"Ready? Pound!"

With all of the ground pounded on the boss, the boss became a pancake and disappeared, with the poison disappearing as well, leaving a multi-moon, as well as Toadsworth hiding behind a set of stairs on the path to the garden.

"Toadsworth? Is that you?"

"I was taking a walk in the garden before a mutated rabbit came, and I had to hide here. I am glad you defeated him, as I was almost poisoned by that ugly thing."

"Welcome back, Toadsworth. We can get you to the Odyssey."

Meanwhile in the cloud kingdom...

"Oh, no. It seems Peach is coming. I will fight with her here, and she will be done this time." Bowser cursed, "I also got something special for you: your wedding bouquet."

"But that bouquet has human-eating flowers..." Mario didn't finish before the bouquet was forced into his hands.

The flowers became excited as soon as they saw Mario, and started biting, and Mario had to hold the bouquet further from him to prevent getting eaten.

"Bowser, it's too dangerous. Aren't you afraid of me getting eaten by the flowers?"

"They will befriend you as soon as they are familiar with you. We will wait here and send another boss to the wooded kingdom to steal flowers again for your wedding petals."

In the wooded kingdom...

Peach was watching the steam garden getting to normal before a steam gardener said, "Princess! Another machine came to steal our flowers. Please come to the secret flower field with us."

"You still have a secret field?"

"Yes. This secret field plants another species of flowers that are exclusive to our local shop, and no people can intrude unless permitted."

They came into the secret field together and saw a lot of steam gardeners staring at a daisy-like creature stealing flowers from a tube, as well as several uproots.

"We can try to break the glass from the button using an uproot!" Toad said, sliding into the garden the first.

When Peach and Luigi came in, they heard toad saying, "It seems the glass didn't break this time!"

They both captured an uproot and found the glass protected by a number of brick blocks. They extended and broke the brick blocks, exposing the weak glasses. Peach said, still capturing the uproot, "We can extend together and break the glass together."

With that, the glass panel of the machine was broken, getting the control panel exposed.

Peach got out of the uproot and found the "self-destruct" option, and a steam gardener opened a warp pipe.

"Guys! Let's get out of here before everything explodes!" All of them got in the warp pipe and travelled outside the secret garden. Then, they heard a huge explosion, and they peek their heads into the garden and saw all the flowers coming back.

"It looks like we succeeded."

The next morning, Peach got two emails in the mailbox of the Odyssey, one about a multi-moon the steam gardeners sent to thank them for their effort, and the other has the background picture of a browned-haired lady dressed in a red pantsuit and with heavy makeup.

"Pauline? Why did she send me a mail."

She opened the letter and it read,

"Dear Peach from the mushroom kingdom,

 Please come to New Donk City, we are having a festival soon in celebration of our mayor Pauline. Looking forward to seeing you in our city!

A New Donker."

Suddenly, Luigi came out excited, "Did you receive the festival invitation as well? Let's head to the metro kingdom!"

"Yes, now let's go!"

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