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Ariana POV:

I stood close to the stage, letting the music flow through me like an electrical current, letting the bass of 'Sail' vibrate through my entire being. There was nothing else on Earth like this, and there never will be.

All throughout the show, Kells kept taking long glances into the crowd as if he were looking for someone. Not to be overly confident, but I know those glances are for me. K made it very obvious that he is into me but for what reasons though? 

Suddenly a mosh pit started to form...and what's a MGK concert without a good mosh pit? I always found my way to the back when this happened because I'm just way too short and a little bit of a cry baby, but I got caught up in it this time. Everything was fine until I was (probably) unintentionally forced to the ground, falling under the feet of several people. It felt like the harder I tried to get up, the more force was pushing me down.

Seconds later, I heard the music come to a halt.

"Yo break it up! I just saw someone get pushed under." Kells' voice boomed from the stage and everything and everyone became eerily still.

Everyone backed away from me, giving me space to breathe but I was too in shock to even get off the ground. I see Kells jump off the stage and head in my direction.

The 6'4 man towered over me and extended his hand out to me and pulled me to my feet.

A look of realization flashed across his bright blue eyes and he smiled. It was if he had just found something he spent his whole life looking for and it both excited and scared me at the same time  "Ariana."

I blushed so damn hard, I don't think my face has ever been so red. "You recognize me?"

He nodded his head, "Your face is hard to forget. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a couple of scratches. Thanks for breaking everything up...though I'm super embarrassed."

"Don't be, why don't you go find Dre and chill with him until the show is over?" He suggested, looking around at the silent crowd.

"Yeah, sure." I grinned.


I ended up having a great conversation with Dre, he is one of the nicest people I've vervet met. He didn't make me feel like a fan, he treated me like I was his best friend.

"So where do you know Kells from?" Dre suddenly asks.

"It's actually a funny story." I laughed awkwardly, but before I could explain, Kells was already making his way over to us, dripping with sweat.

Now that he was actually standing right in front of me, I finally realized that this isn't a dream...this is real life and my idol wanted to get to know me. But for what? So we can be friends? Of course, we all know that Kells doesn't have any legit female friends that he hasn't had sex with. Am I ready for something like that?

My mind was racing a million miles per hour and it felt like we were standing there for hours, but in reality it's been a few seconds.

"I have to go. This was a mistake." I mumbled, glancing at Dre and Kells.

"What? No, please don't leave." Kells caught my arm as I tried to walk away.

"Who are we kidding here Kells? Everyone and their mom knows your reputation with girls and I don't want that." I yelled, suddenly getting very angry.

Before he could defend himself, I yanked my arm from his grip and ran all the way to where my car was parked. I was so stupid, I should have just left when the concert was over.

Once I got into my car, tears started to roll down my cheeks.

Kells POV:

"What the fuck? Did you say something to her?" I turned to Dre as soon as Ariana left.

He frowned and shook his head. "Nah bro, I think this is just freaking her out a little."

I sighed and went to go help tear the stage down.

"Who was that cute ass girl, K?" Rook asked.

"A girl I met." I mumbled

"I have never seen a girl run away from you like that." Slim laughed.

"Shut up!" I yelled and pulled out my phone and started scrolling through my time line. I saw that Ariana posted a few pictures of the show today and they looked amazing.

I focused on the picture that she took with Dre, her smile was bright...she looked absolutely stunning.

estltfu: Met @k1ngdr3 today, coolest guy you will ever meet. Thanks for keeping me company.


k1ngdr3: You're pretty cool too, Ari. I hope we see you again soon!

I opened my DMs and sent a new one to Ariana, hoping that she would respond.

"What happened today? Why did you change your mind?"

"It was all just overwhelming at the moment. I apologize for leaving like that and yelling at you." 

"Nah, no need to say sorry. I understand, I walked out on Diddy a couple of times for a similar reason. I just want to know if you're still interested in being my friend Ariana." 

"Of course I'm interested, stupid. Do you maybe wanna come over and hang out...maybe meet my roommate?"

"Yeah I'll come over and possibly eat everything in your kitchen because I am currently high as fuck." 

After that, I gave her my personal cell phone number so she could text me her address. I was surprised to find out that her house was in a gated community. Honestly, it looked way too nice for two college students to pay for by themselves. 

In no time at all, I found myself knocking on her large wooden front door, nervous as fuck. Since when do I get nervous over a girl? Fuck, never. 

While I was lost in my thoughts, the door swung open to reveal Ariana in a simple black Nike shirt with basketball shorts to match. Her hair was in loose waves, framing her make up free face nicely. I liked the fact that she didn't attempt to dress up for me like I know most girls would have. It shows that she's confident in how she naturally looks. 

"Stop staring at me and come in." Ariana giggled, grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me into her home. 

After I met and go acquainted with Jaime, we all ended up chilling in their living room learning about each other, eating and discovering one another's music taste's. All in all, these two girls are dope and I can see Ariana and I being a part of each other's lives for a while. 

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