Twenty One +

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I woke up a few hours later with G still at my side, I jolted up and checked the time. The concert has been going on for roughly 20 minutes and G completely missed Marty's set.

I grabbed G's shoulder and started shaking him. "G wake up!" I had no idea why I was whisper yelling.

He slowly opened both of his eyes and swatted my hand away. "What woman? I was enjoying that nap, I haven't slept in days." His voice rough.

"You slept through Marty's set." I mumbled, looking down.

"Hey." He put his hand under my chin and lifted it back up so I was looking directly into his dark eyes. "He doesn't start performing until a few days from now. Don't stress, you've already got enough of that." he lightly smiled at me.

I took a large breath of relief and lifted myself from the bed. The air around him is always so calm and inviting, it is hard not to enjoy his presence.

I unintentionally let out a loud yawn, "I guess I should make my way into the venue, I know K would be pissed if I was just sitting here instead of watching him perform."

"Or." G interjected, "We could go do something else? You've been to every show, let's find something fun to do."

I laughed. "How much fun can a pregnant girl get into, Gerald?"

He raised his eyebrows and slipped on his shoes. "You'd be surprised sweetheart."

I shrugged my shoulders, let my best friend take me by the hand and lead me out of the bus and into the warm night.

We ended up getting weird flavored snow cones and walking aimlessly around town talking about absolutely everything and nothing at the same time. It felt good to hang out again.

Suddenly G's phone rang and he quickly dug it out of his pocket to answer.

"Yo where's my girl?" Is the first thing I heard when G put it on speaker phone.

I rolled my eyes dangerously hard, all of a sudden he's concerned about my whereabouts like he didn't basically tell me to fuck off earlier. I'm just supposed to deal with his mood swings but the second I become hormonal, I should "go home"? I'm tired of him thinking that this dynamic is okay, it is slowly damaging our relationship.

"She's here with me." G replied, looking over at me. "We decided to get some fresh air, she really needs it bro."

Kells audibly sighed on the other end. "Can you just bring her back to me please?"

I scrunched my face up. "I'm not some fucking pet he needs to return to its owner." I yelled, causing a few concerned heads to turn in our direction.

The worry is evident in G's eyes but he doesn't say a thing.

"Shut the fuck up Ariana I don't have the patience to listen to your smart ass mouth right now." K snapped back and my eyes went wide.

"Hold up, you don't get to speak to her that way!" G cut in.

I looked back over at Joey with tears in my eyes; I shook my head, got up from the bench we were sitting on and started running in a random direction.

Without looking back, I can hear G running after me...desperately calling my name. Surprisingly, the pregnancy isn't slowing me down.

I don't know where I'm going but it has to be far away from here, far away from anything that can cause me anymore emotional harm.

Once I lost G, I slowed down and leaned up against a nearby wall. Now feeling the effects of that little run I had, I slide all the way down so I'm sitting.

"No. No. No. No." I whisper as the world starts to spin and I realize how dehydrated I feel.

What the hell am I doing?

Here I am, sitting in the middle of a city I know nothing about. I'm pregnant, my phone is dead and I'm pretty sure that I need to get to a hospital ASAP.



Not too much later, G went back to the venue and let the team know that they need to go out and find Ariana.

Kells tried to be upset, he wanted so badly to blame G but he knew that was not right. Ariana ran off like that because of his harsh words.

Half of the team hopped in the equipment can and the other have set off on foot to find their pregnant friend.

15 minutes later, Kells, Dre and G turned a corner and was immediately stopped by a group of people that slightly spilled into the street.

When Kells heard one woman whisper. "Why was she out here all alone?" His heart dropped and his blood ran cold, he immediately knew that these people were crowded around his girlfriend. He hoped to God it wasn't because she was dead.

He snapped out of his thoughts and started tearing through the crown until he made it to the middle. There she was, lying on the hot pavement, barely breathing and blood staining her favorite pair of pants.

Dre and G broke through crowd right as Kells dropped down his knees by Ariana, tears already slipping out of his eyes.

"How could you all just stand here?! Has anyone called 9-1-1?" Kells glared at the sea of people. Out of fear and confusion, no one spoke a word.

"I'll call 'em." Dre cleared his throat and Kells sent him an appreciative nod.

K scooped his girl up into his arms so she wouldn't have to lay on the ground any longer.

"Baby I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I let you leave." He slowly wiped her face of the sweat that had formed.

"Alright everyone, if you're not going to help the situation you need to move along and go about your day." G shouted towards the crowd and they hastily started to break up and go in their separate directions.

"You don't deserve this. Not at all....but please forgive me." Kells whispered to Ariana, hoping she would spontaneously respond to his pleas.

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