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Ariana POV:

I think it's super cute how he is making an effort, I didn't  think he would even want to be around me after the way I acted after the concert at UCLA but here we are, half past 8 falling asleep to Step Brothers in my room. 

Tonight I realized that K is nothing like the media portrays him; he is a lot more simple than most people would believe and I'm not sure why I'm so surprised by that. I can also tell that he appreciated the fact that I didn't bring up anything about his career, I wanted to know the personal stuff about him...things not everyone knew.


I woke up several hours later with my face buried in his chest and him sleeping soundly with his arms around me and one of his hands tangled in my hair from playing with it in his sleep. I smiled at the moment and carefully slid out of his hold and into the kitchen.

Just as I was about to open the refrigerator, I hear a knock at the door.

I opened the door to reveal Zac, a guy from school that I went on a couple dates with. Him and I never really got past that point, there wasn't anything really enticing about him. In all honesty, everything that's been happening with Kells has made me forget about Zac...wait, why is he here?

He was all dressed up and looking pretty nice, but frowned once he got a good look at me. "Did you forget that we were supposed to be going out tonight? I've been calling you like crazy!" He exclaimed.

"Oh my God Zac I'm so sorry." Well I just feel like the shittiest person ever. Here I am just chilling out with another guy when Zac has been waiting around for me.

"What's going on? Who is this?" Kells asked, sleepily making his way over to us. My gaze lingered on his tall form for a few seconds too long.

"Oh I see, you're ditching me for him?" Zac accused, his eyebrows rose and his eyes narrowed at the sight.

Kells snorted and pushed his way in between Zac and I. "Watch your tone dude." He then turned to me. "Is this guy your boyfriend?" Traces of hurt swam around in his deep blue eyes causing a quick ache in my heart.

I quickly shook my head. "No! We've just gone out on a couple dates. Nothing serious."

Kells narrowed his eyes. "So you like him?"

"She clearly doesn't owe you an explanation." Zac mumbled and K shot him a look but said nothing in response.

"Yes, why does it matter?" I bit back, completely ignoring that comment.

"It doesn't." He mumbled, retreating back into the house.

"What the hell Ariana?" Zac looked at me once Kells was far enough into the house.

"Zac I'm sorry I forgot about our date, but he's just a friend keeping me company." I said.

"Promise?" He asked sweetly.

"I promise. Let's go out tomorrow night, yeah?" I asked.

"Sure." He smiled.

Should I  really be promising Zac anything when there is clearly something between Kells and I? I mean I can't place my finger on it exactly but it's undeniable that  we enjoy each other's company a lot more than we should.

Kells POV

When I heard her call me just a friend, I got a little angry. We both know that I'm not looking for just a friendship with her...I have tried to make that obvious. I guess I am just going to have to make my intentions a little more clear for the oblivious beauty.

Ariana came back into the room acting like absolutely nothing happened and it made me even more upset. I want her to at least acknowledge the heavy tension we all just experienced out there and explain to me what the hell is going on.

"What kind of game are you playing, Ariana?" I threw my arms up in frustration.

She frowned at me. "What are you talking about? Are you seriously upset about Zac?"

"Fucking Duh! I like you Ariana...I thought that was clear!" I yelled, getting in her face. Well that escalated pretty quickly. I don't know what it is about this girl, but she sparks my emotions so quickly whether they're good or bad. It's way to early to be letting a female affect me like

"You haven't made anything clear Kells! I'm confused as fuck!" She shouted back.

"Well let me make something extra clear." I growled and grabbed the sides of her face, pressing my lips hard against hers.

I pulled away just long enough to push her onto the bed and quickly reconnected our lips.

Ariana let out a moan when as I wedged myself between her legs. I so easily got lost in being with her, she was the ocean during a storm and I'm just the fucking helpless fishermen who is eventually going to get pushed under her beautiful but dangerous waves. 

I felt her hand press against my chest, causing me to pull away.

"What's wrong?" I looked down at her.

"I get that you like me, a-and I like you too, but I don't want to be that girl. The girl who gives it up to a guy she barely knows." She whispered, grabbing on to my shirt tightly.

"Okay." I leant down to place a kiss on her neck. "We can take this as slow as you want baby girl....just promise me one thing."

"What's that?" She asked.

"Stay away from Zac."


"No, I want to know you're not going to run off with some dude and leave me hanging." I interrupted.

"Too bad, because I promised to make tonight up to Zac. I meant what I said, Kells...for now, you're just my friend." She sighed.

I scoffed. "Friends don't kiss like that, and don't think I didn't hear you moan."


I narrowed my eyes at her. "What is wrong with you? Any other girl would be jumping at the change to be with me and here you are playing hard to get."

She laughed bitterly. "Well you are very wrong for comparing me to any other girl. I look up to you but that doesn't mean I'm like all of those thirsty fangirls who want nothing but to say they've slept with MGK. If you have a problem with this situation, then go back to your amazing life and find another girl to mess with."

"Ari...don't be like that. Look, I'm sorry." I kissed the tip of her nose. "I'm sorry if I'm taking things too fast but I can't contain the feelings that I have for you...I just cant. Ever since I found your Instagram page, I've felt a connection towards you and I know it's for a reason."

"You said we can take this as slow as I want...right?" She suddenly asked.

I nodded.

"I promise I'll give you a chance if we just start off learning more about each other, as friends."

I sighed but agreed anyway. "Okay, fine."

"And you can't get upset about Zac."

"No promises." I mumbled.

A/N: I like the idea of Kells having to work for Ariana, she's going to be a tough nut to crack. But don't worry, they end up together eventually...but not before a whole bunch of drama. Since this is called INSTAGRAM Crush, I'll be including some IG stuff in the next chapter. As always, show some love by commenting, voting and sharing this story!

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