Seventeen +

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I could tell that Colson's father was annoyed at the fact that I was screaming my head off. I was not going to let him take me without some kind of fight.

He tried his absolute best the shove me into his large black SUV, but I bit down hard on his hand causing him to instantly drop me on the hard asphalt. Pain rushed through my body but I didn't let that stop me from getting up and kicking him in the balls.

"You little bitch." He yelled, hunching over in pain.

I laughed bitterly. "You deserve it, sick bastard." I let out a huge breath, now noticing the tears flowing out of my eyes.

Suddenly Kells came storming outside with everyone in the crew behind him, he was furious and looked as if he was out for blood. His eyes were hard like the rest of his features.

Kells angrily grabbed me and pulled me out of his father's reach but quickly let go.

"I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you but if you EVER put your hands on my woman again I will not hesitate to break your jaw. You may be my father but that is a line that you do not cross with me." Kells growled and then simply walked back into the venue without another word.

Everything was cloudy until I felt a hand on my lower back. "Ariana, maybe you should go to the bus and get some rest?" Rook mumbled.

I shook my head and looked over at him. "I need to talk to Kells."

He nodded and we all walked back inside. There's still time before the doors opened so everyone decided to chill before they had to perform.

I felt surprisingly awkward sitting next to my own boyfriend, his body language was cold and he wouldn't let me touch him, it was if I did something wrong. The air around him made my heart clench because it was anything but positive.

"Why are you being so cold?" I leaned in and whispered into his ear.

Kells made a face. "I'm not being cold, you're just being way too clingy."

I frowned and looked at him like he was absolutely crazy. 

Okay but wasn't your ass the one attached to my hip earlier after we had sex? Hm, okay.

But I'm not going to lie, it hurt to hear him say that, I didn't think I was clingy at all but obviously he thinks something different.

I nodded anyway and put some space between us on the couch. "Sorry." I mumbled.

Right as the show started, I decided to just hop on the bus, watch Netflix in bed and eat. I really do want to give Kells the space he needs, I didn't realize that it might be a drag to have your girlfriend by your side all the time when you're on tour.

A few hours later when the show ended, everyone was back on the bus. I heard a faint knock on the bedroom door and a few seconds later, Slim appeared.

"C'mon, we're gonna go to IHOP." He said excitedly. I laughed and slipped on one of Kells' hoodies over my tank top while I put on my shoes.

We were already stopped outside of IHOP by the time I left the room.

"Why weren't you at the show?" Dre asked me as we walked into IHOP, catching the attention of a few people.

"I was a bit tired and the noise wouldn't have helped the headache I had." I sighed. It wasn't a complete lie, later on in the night I started to feel overwhelmingly nauseous.

"Oh okay, well maybe some pancakes will help you feel better." He laughed.

They found two long tables in the corner for all of us to to sit at; I looked over at where Kells was sitting and decided to sit at the other table next to Rook.

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