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Kells POV :

She's here because of me. It's my fan who put her in this hospital, it's because of my career that she's stressed out and not able to be comfortable with me in public. I'm still amazed that she hasn't left my ass.

I sit beside her hospital bed, watching her chest slowly rise and fall from her shallow breaths. The doctor has just finished testing her and the baby is fine and so is she. Ariana just has a small concussion and hasn't woken up yet.

I placed my hand on her stomach and smiled. "You're way too small to even hear me, but I can't wait to meet you. You may not have been planned but you're just what I need, our happy little accident." I whispered.

I sighed and pulled my phone out of my pocket, the thing never stops vibrating. Unfortunately, I stumbled upon an article from TMZ.

'MGK's girlfriend of just a few months is ALREADY pregnant'

It seems as if Machine Gun Kelly can't keep his belt buckled. Not too long ago, he announced that his girlfriend Ariana Sanders (21) is pregnant with his child only after a short time of dating each other. We actually feel bad for the young girl, her life is pretty much ruined. She was attending UCLA but we're not sure about that now with her being on tour with him. Do you think Ariana is throwing her life away to be with someone who's going to break her heart anyway?

My heart started to pump 10x faster, am I really turning her life with this child? Did I just kill her opportunity to have a normal life? Shit she's only 21.

"Colson? What's wrong?" I heard Ariana's rough voice. She placed her hand over mine.

I looked over at her with a frown on my face. Her naturally tan skin was pale, her hair frizzy and her eyes were just plain tired. "How are you feeling baby girl?" I whispered, trying to hide my anger about the article.

"Fine, just have a really bad headache. How is the baby?"

"The doctor said that the baby is fine, no harm done." I tried to crack a smile.

Ariana let out a sigh. "Good."

"And uh, the nurse says that you're not far along enough for her to give you an exact date on when you got pregnant. Baby isn't big enough." 

She nodded sadly. "Okay." 

"Baby?" I asked, taking my hand off of her.


"I want you to be honest with me. Do you think me getting you pregnant is going to ruin your life? Your chances of doing the things you really want?" I asked nervously.

She looked at me like I was crazy, her peaceful expression turned into one of confusion. "Why would you even think something like that? It takes two to make a baby so you're not ruining anyone's life. I am happy to be here in this situation with you because I know that I've got a strong, caring man by my side. What gave you that crazy idea, Colson?"

"I this article on TMZ...." I trailed off.

"Fuck them, honestly Colson. Since when do they know anything?" She reached out and grabbed my hand, putting a genuine smile on my face. "It's us against the world baby." She sang.

"Shit I found the Baddest bitch in the world." I laughed.

Ariana burst into giggles. "Shut up."

"I know this is like horrible timing but Casie's plane lands in half an hour..." I quickly changed the subject. I planned for her to fly out here today, not knowing that Ariana would end up in the hospital.

"Oh, why didn't you say something sooner! Go get her." Ariana scolded.

I nodded and got up to get my things together. Honestly, I didn't want to leave her here; the rest of the team stayed and continued to prepare for the concert, I was the only one keeping her company.

"I'm bringing her back here. I don't want you alone and we need to have a talk with her anyway." I mumbled, snatching my car keys up.

Ariana smiled at me. "Aright dad." She said playfully.

"It's daddy." I corrected, sending her a suggestive smirk.

"Get out of here already!"


"What happened? Why is Ari here?" Casie asked as we entered the hospital elevator.

"She...fell and hit her head, the doctors just wanted to make sure she's okay." I answered.

Casie nodded in understanding. "I'm excited to see her, I miss her a lot." She sighed.

I raised my eyebrows, not expecting her to say that. I knew she was fond of Ariana but I didn't know Casie was that attached to her. This is just more proof that Ariana is something special because Casie doesn't always approve of the new people that come into my life.

"You really like her, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think I like her more than you do." She laughed just as the elevator stopped on the floor we need to be on.

I chuckled. "Not possible kid."

We walked in silence the rest of the way. Even though Ariana's pep talks made me feel better about the whole situation, I'm still nervous as fuck.

I opened Ariana's room door and walked in after Casie who was already running over to Ariana's bed side. They exchanged 'hellos' and hugs, smiling at one another.

I sat in the chair I was in before while Casie sat on the edge of the bed. "Casie." I called, trying to get her attention.

"Hm?" She looked over at me.

"Ariana and I...are going to have a baby. In a few months you're going to have a little brother or sister." I said, cutting straight to the chase.

I studied her face, waiting for a change of emotion or anything significant. She did the exact opposite of that I expected her to do: smile. She smiled so wide, you'd think her face would crack from being stretched so far. But at the same time she already had tears in her eyes and I can't decide whether they're happy tears or not.

"How do you feel about that baby girl?" I asked.

Casie sniffled and wiped a tear away.

"I'm happy because I'll have someone to play with but..." She started.

"It's okay, Casie. You can tell us everything you're feeling. You're feelings are very important to us." I said quietly.

"I'm mad too. Because...b-because I don't get to see you a lot and now you're gonna be busy with the baby all of the time. I kinda want you all to myself daddy, I want to be the baby still." She started crying, my greatest fear came true and my heart shattered.

"Baby, I know I haven't been there much and I can't tell you how sorry I am about that. I've already said that things are going to change. After we're done with tour, I'm gonna be home all of the time so I can take care of you and the new baby like I'm supposed to. There won't be anymore missing me because I'll be there whenever you need me." 

"That makes me feel a little better." Casie sighed and continued to wipe the tears. "But what about Ari? Is she going to be with us? Are we going to be a family?"

I looked over at Ariana to see her reaction to all of this and she was in tears also.

"Do you want us to be a family Casie?" I asked.

She nodded quickly. "Yeah, I'd like that...a lot."

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