Thirteen +

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"So what happened between you and G after I left that night?" Colson mumbled and looked over at me.

We were at his house getting ready for the General Admission release party/concert and he insisted that him and I wear the same colors.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Nothing really, we just talked a little and then I went home. I haven't replied to any of his texts since then though. Every time I see his name pop up on my phone, I think about the heartbreaking look on your face when I told you that I slept with him." I shrugged.

He sighed, came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Babe he's your friend and...he's still mine too, yeah I'm mad as hell about everything but I understand that you need him in your life just like I need Slim and the guys in my life. I know that he makes you happy. I'm ready to move past what happened if you two are." He spoke into my ear.

I shook my head. "I'm just not up for talking to him right now."

Colson laughed. "Well too bad because I invited him to the party."

I turned around and glared up at his tall figure. "You asshole."

"Trust me, you will thank me by the end of the night." He smirked.

"Hm, we'll see about that." I narrowed my eyes.

"Stop being stubborn and let's go, everyone is already there waiting for us." He mumbled, scooping up his car keys.

I giggled. "You were the one obsessing about your hair in the mirror."

"Shut the fuck up." He said playfully before we stepped out of the house and into the starry night.


The night was filled with great music and even more amazing people. I'm still shocked that I even get to be here for all of this and all because of Instagram. Things like this used to just be in my dreams, now my life is literally someone else's goals.

Casie is also here and for some reason she chose me to be the person she wanted to be with the whole night while her father mingled with his guests. I didn't mind at all, it gave us a chance to bond.

"Ariana, can you get me some apple juice? I'm thirsty." Casie asked sweetly, tugging on the bottom of my dress.

I smiled down at her. "Of course!"

We walked over to the area where all of the drinks were being served. There was a short blonde woman standing behind the counter.

"What can I get you?" She asked.

"Apple juice please." I replied.

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Do you realize where you are ma'am? I don't serve apple juice, it's either alcohol or water." She said bitterly.

I placed my hands in my hips. "Look, I have MGK's daughter with me and she wants Apple juice, so I suggest you find some before I create a problem for you." I hissed sweetly, while still smiling at her.

She nodded quickly and walked away. I picked Casie up and placed her on one of the many stools at the counter.

"I think you scared the crap out of her." I heard a voice behind me and I instantly knew it was Gerald.

I turned around to see him in an all black suit, looking adorable as ever. His sleeves were rolled up halfway and I laughed at the fact that he's wearing converse with his fancy suit.

I did nothing but engulfed him in a hug. "I'm glad you're here." I laughed.

"I am too, and I'm sorry again for the trouble I caused, it's obvious you and Colson have something special." He pulled away and then glanced over at Casie. "I'll talk to you later okay?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Have a good night Ari." G kissed my cheek before disappearing into the crowd.

"Who is he and why did he kiss you? I though only my dad was supposed to kiss you..." Casie spoke up.

"Oh that's just Gerald, he's a friend of mine and your daddy's and that was just a friendly kiss, don't worry. I love your dad."

"Okay good." She sighed, "You know what? I don't even want juice anymore. Can we just go find my daddy?"

"Yeah, let's go see what he's up to." I took her off of the stool and held her hand as we made our way through the sea of people who were well on their way to being wasted.

"There he is!" Casie yelled, pointing to her father's figure on a long red couch with Slim and Dub. They all looked incredibly fucked up.

I'm feeling a little uneasy about taking Casie over there while they are in that state.

"There's my girls." Colson slurred, stumbling from his place in the couch, knocking over a bottle of vodka in the process.

"Daddy are you okay?" Casie frowned, her voice thick with concern. I could tell that she didn't want to see this. She didn't want to taint the perfect image she had of her father. Casie didn't want to think about him drinking so much that he couldn't even walk properly. And she didn't deserve that.

I shook my head. "No sweetie, he's not okay. Not at all." I picked her up and sat her on my hip. "We're going to my house, does that sound okay?"

She sniffles and nodded.

"Fuck no. You're not going anywhere with my daughter." Colson yelled.

Anger started to boil inside me. "Well you're clearly not in the right frame of mind to look after her. Ashleigh is in Cleveland and so is Casie's mother so who else is going to make sure she's safe?" I snapped.

"Stop trying to act like her mother, you will never be that! She already has one. You can leave by don't you dare take her with you." Colson growled and his words pierced my heart like a knife.

How could he say something like that? Right, let's blame it on the alcohol.

I didn't even notice that tears were falling down my face until I felt Casie wipe some of them away silently.

"Screw you Colson." I whispered and walked away with Casie still in my arms.

I found G outside by his black Mercedes and smiled at the great timing.

"G, can you take me and Casie to my house? Colson is drunk and she needs to be in bed." My voice cracked.

He nodded. "Yeah, of course. Get in." He warmly smiled at the both of us.


"Do you want me to stay?" G asked as we pulled up into my driveway.

"Yes please, I could really use the company." I replied as I went to scoop up a sleeping Casie out of the backseat.

I ended up putting her in the guest room and left the door open so I could keep an ear out for her.

I ran my fingers through my hair and sat in the couch next to him. "There's always something, always something creating drama in our relationship. This was suppose to be a fun night." I started crying all over again.

"Whatever it is that he said to you, I'm sure he didn't mean it. Don't take it too hard, as much as I hate to say it, you two are good for each other. Don't let that go."

I nodded and sighed.

Something caught my eye and it was my phone flashing on the coffee table, I picked it up to see several texts from Slim.

Where are you?

Get Casie and find a ride to the hospital

Kells got into a wreck...he's going into surgery in an hour.


Btw, thanks for all the love you guys are showing this book. I really appreciate it. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it as much as I am. I'll try to update tomorrow....but until then, vote and leave me some comments 💕😊

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