Prologue (OPTIONAL)

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Seven years.

Seven years since Total Drama interns Janice, Cade, and Quincy wrote an autobiography about the torture of working for Chris McLean.

Seven years since Total Drama received enough backlash that it was forcefully pulled off the network, and removed from all television sources where viewing was plausible.

Seven years since Chris McLean was trialed for accounts of child abuse, pollution, animal cruelty, and more to count.

Seven years since Chris McLean was found guilty on all charges and locked in federal prison, until his death.

And now, Sierra stands. Blueprint in hand. She looks towards Topher. Topher looks towards her. They nod.

And they build.

They build the cabins. They build the cafeteria. They build the confessional. The communal showers. They build, and build, and build.

Days, week, and years pass of the two of them trying to rebirth the glory that was Total Drama. The glory locked away long ago. While others suffered, this show brought light into their childhood and gave them purpose.

Eventually, they finish. The dock is slightly wobbly, and the boys and girls cabins are swapped, but other than that, everything looks okay.

Everything looks how it used to be.

"The dock is awfully empty." Sierra frowned as she held her phone up besides her vision, comparing the wooden slates to a photograph of the island cast long ago.

"We can put chairs up? Or maybe a smoothie booth? Or, hey, how about cardboard cut outs of the cast, so visitors can take photos with them?" Topher suggested, rubbing his hand across his beard stubble.

Sierra sighed. Although this was going to be a visitors attraction, for old fans to have an experience on the show's filming lands, none of Topher's ideas felt quite right.

"If we stabilize the deck more we can put up a statue of me, even. Or- I mean us. But mostly me."

"Topher, hold on," Sierra slipped her phone into a pocket and grabbed her closest friend by the shoulders. He yelped with surprise.

"Hey! What?"

"What if we just have a different cast?" Sierra grinned.

"Like cardboard cut outs of the Revenge of the Island cast? Or Pahkithew cast? Those seasons did not perform as well, it wouldn't wo-"

"Our own cast."

"... If people show up expecting Total Drama Island and instead get stock photos of random people, I don't think we'll do good on trip advisor."

"Topher, I mean we make our own cast! We invite fourteen new teenagers, and make our own season!" Sierra encouraged, her eyes lighting up like sparks as she hopped and squealed.

Topher's jaw dropped, and his lips curled into a mischievous grin.

"Yes! That is genius! That'll make so much more money than a tour!" He hugged Sierra warmly and pulled away, turning towards the seas.

"I'm gonna be FAMOUSSS!" He announced to the expanse of waves, a seagull cheering in response.

"You mean, we're gonna be famous!" Sierra echoed him, clapping excitedly.

Sierra grabbed Topher's arm and pulled him to the end of the dock and climbed atop their cruise boat. She clambered to the study room and whipped out her thin, sleek laptop.

"I need to find new contestants! You hook us up with some television network executives and get ourselves a filming crew and a deal!" Sierra ordered him, furiously typing away on her keys.

"That is what my agent is for." Topher patted Sierra on the head and took out his phone, sending a quick text to his agent.

"How are you twenty three, not in the film industry at all, and already have an agent?" Sierra snorted teasingly, dealing him a sideye.

"Knew it'd happen someday, darling." He winked cockily and collapsed backwards into a chair. He wheeled backwards towards the wall at impact. Chef the cat, sitting a few feet away, yowled at him.

Sierra rolled her eyes and turned back to her Instagram. The post was already up. A serene picture of the campsite she had taken earlier, matched with a caption advertising her and Topher's joint buisiness email. Likes and comments were pouring in. She laughed evily and opened up Twitter. Trending already.

"This will be easy." Topher purred, watching over her shoulder. Chef meowed in agreement.

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