Pre-Challenge | Intermission

24 1 16

"Last time on Total Drama Reborn...

The Murderous Minnows sacrificed their pride to admit to some of their most dreaded secrets. On national television! As a result, they won the right to go on a cruise! Which was promptly destroyed, as thanks to Adrian.

Today, our campers will participate in their first real challenge, with their first real elimination!

Will Vivian and Elle mend their degrading friendship? Will Trixie and Valerie finally get along? And will Shadow Blade Night Hawk manage to make himself likable?

Find out today on... Total Drama Reborn!"


The breakfast today was simple: Eggs, bacon, a choice of fruit, and a cup of Greek yogurt. Though not as favorable as previous servings, the campers nonetheless settled in the mess hall to eat and share words before the challenge.

As per usual, the two teams occupied two different tables. While the Murderous Minnows ate in silence, the Screeching Squirrels engaged in light, casual conversation.

"Wait, so you made that?" Valerie asks, gesturing to a necklace resting on Ilani's chest. It was several gemstones aligned across a black, thin leather string.

"Yeah. It's pretty simple, I have better jewelry back home," Ilani waves her hand bashfully.

"What is it?" Myra asks. "Lapis Lazuli...?"

"Close! It's blue apatite. It's aligned with your throat Chakra."

Trixie rolls their eyes, "A magic rock is aligned with my throat Shakira? Like that makes any sense."

Ilani opens her mouth to speak, but Valerie is quicker to jump to her defense. "Your 'throat Shakira' is gonna need help once I start choking you out."

"Oh, baby, when you talk like that, you make a woman go mad," Trixie references sarcastically, glaring at Valerie.

As Adrian walks past their table to exit the mess hall, he begins to sing along, "So be wise! Si! And keep on! Si!"

"Reading the signs of my body!" Joel shouts.

Valerie ignores the two obnoxious singers, "You're being rude for no reason."

"Whatever." Trixie takes their tray of food and walks away to the trashcan.


Valerie crosses her arms, "I don't get what's so difficult about respecting other people's interests! Ilani's pr- Ilani's necklace is pretty! I don't know what a Shakira is either, but I can be nice about it."



"Wow." Trixie huffs. "Take a joke. I thought what I said was funny, personally."


Ilani watches Trixie leave the table, then she turns back to Valerie. "Are you okay?"

"What? I'm great." Valerie's harsh expression immediately shifts to become softer. "How are you?"

Myra looks between the two girls, and her stare stops on Valerie. "That was a little too harsh. Just like how you can't dislike people for what they believe in, you can't dislike them for what they don't believe in, too."

"Are you kidding?" Valerie asks. "It's always the same with Trixie. Have you guys seriously not been noticing the buildup of all these disrespectful comments?"

The two other girls stare at Valerie in silence.

"I'm serious! They think they can drop a bunch of trivial insults, and they don't matter, because it's just one tiny comment! But they're building up! Trixie is such a negative person, I'm telling you."

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