Welcome to the Island!

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The orange beams of the sun, striking down upon the waves of the ocean. Waves, crashing against the new, strong wood of the dock. A cruise ship, of a significant size, floated; rigged to its post.

From the steps descended Topher and Sierra. They were older now. Topher's chin has begun to garner quite a bit of stubble. He had grown more fit, physique stronger and more mature. Sierra stood behind him, her curled purple hair flowing loose, reaching down to her thighs.

"Hello, everybody! And welcome to Total Drama Reborn!" Topher introduced, nodding towards the camera. He smiled confidently, yet his eyes betrayed his attempt at sincerity. It seems the legacy of Chris McLean will be carried on through his dearest fan.

"I'm Sierra, and this is Topher! And, we're here to introduce twelve new campers who will be competing for a prize of one million dollars!" Sierra stated excitedly, bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Total Drama reborn is a spin off show of Total Drama! With permission from Chris," Topher displayed a faked signature, "We will recreate the beauty that was Total Drama! I'm sure you listeners know the rules, right?" He waited a few moments for an answer that would never come, before adjusting himself and gesturing towards the cruise ship.

"Campers! You may now introduce yourselves!"

Nothing happened for several moments, some distant conversation sounding from the ship. Eventually, a couple interns stepped upon the boat and began to handle the situation themselves.

Led by an intern, a very chubby Chinese girl revealed herself and stepped down the stairs. She wore a green stripped shirt with purple overalls and shoes. A flower themed bucket hat sat atop her head, short black hair gathered into two braids adorned with daises.

"Hello, Topher! Sierra!" She said kindly, reaching out her hand to shake hands with them both. "Hello, audience, I'm Myra! Myra Zhao." She waved to the camera, a bright smile on her face. Her energy was magnetic, radiating such a warm, welcoming aura.

"Why did you audition for the show, Myra?" Sierra asked.

"One of the kids I babysit wanted me to," Myra shrugged casually. "Who am I to tell him no? I live to please!" She laughed at herself.

The intern has approached with the next contestant, and Myra stepped out of the way and stood off to the side to make room.

She was taller, her bronze skin practically glowing in the sun. She wore a blue, orange, and yellow tie-dye tank top with a long flowing skirt, a matching bandana, and an abundance of gold jewelry. Her dark brown hair rested as a giant poof at the top of her head, paired with circular pink shades. Henna designs covered both of her hands.

"I'm Ilani," she rests her hand on Sierra's shoulder as she introduces herself. "Last name Mishra."

"Well, Ilani," Sierra mirrors her smile, "tell us about yourself! Your reason for coming?"

Ilani brightens up, "I love nature, so I'll be using the money for environment preserving charities. Most of it, at least, the rest I'll use to fund my hobbies." Ilani giggles sheepishly, "spiritual hobbies. I'm Pagan."

"That's so amazing!" Myra comments from off to the side, and Ilani turns to face her. "I've always been interested in that, but never knew how to start."

"Oh my.. darling, you're gorgeous."

"Have you seen yourself? Chills. Literal chills. What exactly do you practice?"

"Well, I like ta-"

"Ladies!" Topher exclaimed, interrupting the conversation. Ilani frowns, and Myra glares at him.

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