Challenge #2 (PART TWO)

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Ilani and Valerie walked side by side through the woods, their eyes fixated on the scenery around them. Though, that didn't stop their conversation. Valerie was intensely arguing about something, whereas Ilani was seeming to take everything as half as seriously as Valerie was. However, the argument seemed to be lighthearted, regardless, with heated words every so often interrupted by laughter.

"It's not even a bad movie," Valerie argued, her hands gesturing with her every word. "It's really sweet. Who doesn't watch to watch two people love each other? Despite all of the hardship around them, they still make it through, and that's beautiful."

Ilani chuckled, "Sure, sure. But, you know what's not sweet?" She paused for a moment, as if giving Valerie time to contemplate. "Me hearing you play it. Every. Single. Night," Ilani enunciated. "A creative nightly routine, I must say."

Valerie's eyebrows raised, "You can hear it?" She frowned with sympathy, "If you want me to stop, I can. I don't want to keep you up."

"No, no," Ilani shook her head, "It's cute. You can keep doing it."

Valerie glanced away from the trees and over at Ilani, "... The movie?"

"Yeah, the movie's cute. I've seen it, like, once? It was at a sleepover a while ago, and I don't remember it well."

"Ohh, okay," Valerie laughed, seemingly embarrassed, and looked away. She thought for a moment and then added: "You know, we should have a sleepover. Like, our team."

Ilani raised an eyebrow, "Our whole team?"

"Yeah. But, without Shadow Blade Stupid Fuck. For obvious reasons. And no Trixie, because I don't feel like contracting rabies. And no Myra, because she'll make us go to bed at 9 pm... And no Jason, because he's a guy."

"That's just us," Ilani stated. She started laughing, "Am I seriously the only person you like on our team? Valerie, you need friends," she scolded, playfully.

"I do have friends," Valerie countered, her eyebrows pinching.

"Well, obviously. You're great, Val. But I mean here. Have you never watched Survivor or anything? You need a social game," Ilani pointed out.

Valerie opened her mouth to say something, then shut it. "...Fine, fine. We can invite everyone else," she reluctantly agreed.

Ilani smiled, "Great! Just stay civil. Please."

"I can stay civil," Valerie huffed, annoyed, "Trixie can't. It's not my fault no one else wants to put it in its place."

Ilani's smile weakened, "Just try ignoring them instead of engaging, okay? All of this fighting is getting really draining. And I'm not even a part of it."

"Oh," Valerie's expression shifted into one of concern, "Okay, yeah. I'll try and lay back."

"Okay, thank you."

The conversation had faded out for the next several minutes. However, they were now able to redirect all of their attention to the woods instead of each other.

They didn't need to be looking as closely as they had been, though, because in the center of the trail was a block poorly covered by leaves.

"... Wow. Did they even try?" Ilani muttered to herself.

Valerie snickered, "Hah, no. God, what idiot thought this was a good idea?"

"Hey, hey, don't be mean," Ilani chuckled, "Maybe there were more leaves on it, and the rest of them blew away."

Valerie laughed, "Fair, fair!"

Ilani walked up to the block and brushed the remaining leaves off. And, yup, it certainly was the block from the challenge. She leaned down to pick it up but was only able to lift it up to her knee height before setting it down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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