Challenge #2 (PART 1)

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"Welcome, campers, to your next challenge!"

In front of the contestants were red and blue cubes on a table, each spanning about a foot wide. On the red cubes was the decal of a minnow, and on the blue cubes was a squirrel. On the back side of each cube, however, the decal was missing and was replaced with a QR code.

"Ooh! It feels like I'm back in elementary!" Adrian exclaims.

"...Huh?" Vivian asks.

"Primary school." Ilani tells her. "It's an American thing."

"Oh. Ew."

"As you can see, in front of you are twelve cubes. And, of course, there are twelve of you! What a coincidence!" Sierra exclaims. "So, what do you think that means?"

"We're going to be compressed and put inside a cube..." Elle mumbles to herself, sarcastically.

"Hey, it's better than a jar." Trixie snickers.

"... Each of you is responsible for one cube. Within the next three hours, you all must hide your cube on the other team's side of the island. Once the time is up, the actual challenge is searching for the other team's cubes, scanning your cube at the station in front of your team's cabin, and then disposing it in the bin right next-door."

Sierra gestures her hand towards two bins set outside of either team's cabin. Between the two cabins was a strip of white spray paint, appearing to divide the island in two.

"Wait, I'm confused," Kelsey speaks up. "Which side of the island do I hide my cube on?"

"You hide your cube on the side of the island with your opponent's cabin." Sierra explains. "Which means, once the hiding begins, you are not allowed to visit your side of the island until the three hours are up. If you do, that's considered cheating, and your team will be disadvantaged."

"... Can I grab my phone?" Kelsey asks, eyes wide.


Kelsey scurries off, and the rest of the campers approach the table to grab their cubes. Ilani picks up one and shakes it. It's hollow, and a clanking sound on the inside is heard. However, when Myra grabs a cube, she can barely lift it off the table, as it's much heavier and definitely solid.

"Why are these so different?" Myra asks, picking up a second cube and taking note of the stark difference in weight.

"Each cube has its own unique advantage or disadvantage attached." Sierra tells her. "For example, that first cube is thirty pounds. Meaning, it will be harder for whoever finds the cube to bring it back to their team's bin. However, it also means it's harder to hide since it must be carried out."

Adrian picks up his team's heavy cube. "Ooh! I call dibs!"

"Trust me, no one else wanted that one." Vivian tells him.

Shadow Blade Night Hawk picks up a cube, and on one side of it is a long encryption in some sort of code. "The language of the Gods..." He mutters.

Valerie picks up a slightly discolored cube. "This one seems lucky."

Kelsey returns with her phone, looking uncharacteristically upset as she approaches Sierra and Topher. "Hey! Did you download some apps on my phone? I need space for photos, not whatever Tracker is!"

"Perfect timing, Kelsey!" Sierra pulls out her own phone. "Last night, Topher and I installed the app Tracker on everybody's phones. It either directs you to a source with a compass or directs you to a source using a proximity beeping feature. And, as you should be able to guess, two of these blocks can be found with the compass, and two of them with the beeping feature."

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