Left Stranded? | Intermission

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As the Murderous Minnows sail away to enjoy their cruise, the Screeching Squirrels watch from the shore. Throughout them ranged feelings of jealousy to relief.

While a few of them did miss the opportunity for an actually decent cruise, now they were given the entire island to themselves. And they could do whatever they wanted.

Which, for most of their cases, was taking a well-deserved nap in the cabins.

"Can we actually do something?" Trixie asks, rolling off of their bed and rising to their feet. "I mean, when's the next time we're getting privacy like this? We should take advantage of it."

"You can take advantage of it," Valerie mutters from her bed, rolled over and facing the wall. "I don't want to."

Trixie's eye twitches, and they offer a strained smile, "You are ... such a team player! It's remarkable. There's no 'I' in team, but there's an 'I' in I'm sick and tired of your BULLSHIT!"

"Can you both stop with this?" Myra sits up, glaring at both competitors. "It's embarrassing. And, not to mention, really holding us back."

"How did this even start, anyway?" Ilani asks, looking towards Valerie. "It's so... random."

Valerie opens her mouth to speak, but Trixie cuts her off. "She's just mad that I called her out for throwing the challenge."

"You're accusing me of throwing the challenge?" Valerie snaps, rolling over and sitting up in her bed to face Trixie.

"You could've won that brawl against Adrian, and you know it. But, no. You didn't want to score us two points and admit to your little crush."

Valerie's face burns a dark red, "That makes no sense! How would they know about someone's crush anyway? Sierra and Topher were just lying to stir up drama."

"Umm," Jason cuts in, looking down from his bunk. "If you've used your phone since you got here, they've been monitoring our texts. To, you know, make sure we aren't spoiling the season."

Ilani's face pales, "They can read our texts?"

"Did you ... not read the terms and conditions?" Myra asks.

"Who the fuck reads those?" Trixie scoffs. "I wish I'd known that earlier, but I have nothing to hide."

"This is a breach of privacy! I know I signed it, but it's not fair! There were, like, 30 plus papers to read!" Ilani complains.

"You seem awfully worried." Trixie notes, lifting an eyebrow. "What's wrong? This is a safe space."

"I just don't want to drag my friends and family into this. If they can read my texts, they can read their responses." Ilani sighs, rubbing her temples. "I'm going to tell them."

Ilani takes out her phone. It's kept in a sleek blue case with a koi fish pattern. She types her text and goes to hit send, but the message doesn't go through.

"Are you serious? There's no service." Ilani mutters, refreshing her screen a few more times. "We never had Wi-Fi problems before. There's a cell tower on this island!"

"It's okay. When Sierra and Topher come back, they'll be able to fix the connection issue." Myra assures Ilani.

"How long is that going to take?" Valerie asks.

"I... don't know." Myra frowns.

"Can't we just turn the service back on ourselves?" Trixie asks, crossing their arms. "We probably just need to reset the router. Or there's some mechanics that were messed up in the cell tower."

"Yeah, let's just do that!" Ilani hops down from her bunk bed. "Good idea, Trixie."

Valerie glares at Trixie, "It was a decent idea."

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