A not so rough start (chapter 1)

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Do It 4 Yrself                                                      💚
Human Petting Zoo
0:01                                                                    4:31
  |<                  ||                  >|


   The sudden yell of his name caused the tired boy to quickly sit up from his bed. He looks around to find the cause of the screaming. Soon he notices his female friend, Mei, staring at him through his window. Standing up, the messy haired boy opens his window to Mei shoving her phone in his face.

   "LOOK LOOK LOOOOOK!" Mei exclaims as she forces the phone into her friends face. He grabs the device and looks at what Mei had been showing him. His eyes widen as he sees what she had been so excited about. He re-reads the page over multiple times to make sure he's not dreaming. MK looks up at Mei with a huge grin on his face.

   "WE HAVE TO GO CHECK THIS OUT NOW MEI!!" His excitement is present in his voice as he's practically jumping up and down in joy. Mei nods at him, "Race ya to Pigsy's!?" Before MK could respond, she's already off. However the unfairness in this is that Pigsy's was right below his apartment, naturally he'd be there first, however he still needed to get ready. Already accepting defeat, he quickly got ready and decided he would just have to lose the race for now.

  MK rushes down the stairs, still putting on his bandana as he finally enters Pigsy's noodle shop, ready for the day. "Hah I win!" Mei says standing proudly in front of MK. Ignoring her, MK brings his attention over to Pigsy who's anger is very noticeable.

   "MK.. You literally live right above the store, how are you late everyday!?" Pigsy yells at MK causing him to stand there nervously. "Yeaahhhh about that, me and Mei have something planned for today so I'm taking the day off!" MK tried to smile but it wasn't hard to tell that he was scared. "The day off!? I'm not just gonna let you!-" before Pigsy could finish, MK and Mei had already run off as MK screams a 'thank you' at Pigsy.

Pigsy groans annoyed as he gets back to working on his orders. He looks over and sees Tang eating the bowl of noodles he had previously been working on. Glaring at him, Tang slowly puts the bowl down.

MK and Mei continue to run through the city as they find their way to the arcade that they've grown to love so much. They quickly grab tickets and go to check out what they saw. Mei had found out that a new game would be added to the arcade, naturally it's not much of a deal but for these two best friends, it's a huge thing.

The two attempt to walk through the big crowd of others trying to see the new game. The amount of people there had been more then that expected which was a little annoying. After being pushed around a lot, the two saw the new game, however, something else caught their eyes as they brought their attention somewhere else.

A certain someone had been there standing awkwardly as if he hadn't meant to be there but yet had a good reason to come. The red haired demon looked around and then seemed to sigh in frustration as he started to walk away. His presence there was very unexpected by the two yet no one else there seemed to care.

MK and Mei looked at each other nervously. From the twos recent history, Redson always caused nothing but trouble. He was both a demon, and the twos enemy, yet here he was at their favorite place to go to.

Confused, MK and Mei started walking over to Red Son. If he was there, he had better have a good reason for being there. "Red Son!" MK and Mei yelled in almost unison to get his attention. He looked over at the two bored at first and then held a surprised expression that died down into annoyance. "What are you doing here!?" Mei yelled at said demon as she crossed her arms in front of him.

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