Growing Casual (Chapter 5)

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Treehouse                                                            💚
Alex G, Emily Yacina
0:01                                                                   -2:37
                |<                  ||                  >|        

The moment Red Son woke up, he noticed how he felt different than usual. He felt... happier? He couldn't tell what it was, but he knew that it could somehow correlate to the events of yesterday. Yesterday was a pretty odd day for him. Different from his normal schedule. It seemed out of place among his memories, but he didn't put much more thought behind it.

Pulling himself out of bed, he dresses himself, eats breakfast, brushes his teeth, and sits down on the living room couch. He brings out his phone, messing with it while waiting for one of his parents to come in and possibly give him an idea— or plan for the day.

His mom— princess Iron Fan, walks into the living room in her usual attire. Her eyes glanced around the room before landing on Red Son. Her expression looked one of tired and just overall boredom. "Morning, mother." Red Son sits neater than he had been a moment ago— greeting his mom as she entered the room.

She nodded to him before crossing her arms behind her back, and walking to the kitchen. "So how was yesterday?" Her voice is heard as she begins gaining materials for her and the Bull King's breakfast.

Red Son thinks thoroughly with his words before speaking, making sure not to say the wrong thing or let the wrong thing slip. "Yesterday was fine." The demon decided upon leaving it there, his mother hadn't known of him and the human boys interaction that day.

"You enjoyed your day with that noodle boy right?" Princess Iron Fan spoke smoothly, spoke as though her words hadn't made the demon boy almost choke on air. He flinched over in his mothers direction with a shocked expression layer upon his face. With wide eyes, he tried to find words to use or let out of his already open mouth. How she could have known would forever be a mystery to him.

Catching himself, he cleared his throat, "and where do you get that idea from mother?" He was nervously sweating bullets and it was quite noticeable. His breathing quickened, and he tried his hardest to slow it down the best he could before his mother would see his nervousness.

"Dear, I'm not mad. If you want to start making more friends, then that's okay." She continued talking unbeknownst of Red Son's surprised yet relieved expression. However, the moment he heard the word friends spoken aloud, he glared at his mother. "Friends!? I am not friends with that noodle boy and I don't plan on being so anytime soon! We were just hanging out, nothing more." Red Son said, using many hand expressions along with each word.

"Hm, alright. Well do you have any plans for today?"

"No, not quite yet. Do you have anything I need to get done?" He relaxed his shoulders.

"Not necessarily, however I would like you to remember one thing." Red Son gulped sharply, an awkward nervousness returning as he looked once again towards his mother. "MK May no longer be your enemy, but that doesn't mean that Monkey King isn't still a threat. Keep your guard up, you'll never know if this is some dumb plan if his."

Red Son caught in to these words, knowing full well that he should have had his guard up since day one. He should have payed more attention to what the behind the scenes could be. What could possibly be going on that he wouldn't know of till it stabbed him in the back.

"I understand."

Princess Iron Fan nodded, turning the stove on. "I have a chore for you. It's more or so a thing you could do on your own." She looked at her son for a split moment before glancing back over to the food she was making,

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