the worst things happen to the best people. (Chapter 8)

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Loser                                                                 💚
Sunday Cruise
0:01                                                                   -3:14
                |<                  ||                  >|        


It was another average work day for MK. He still hadn't noticed Pigsy being so on edge— but he didn't worry about it. He was driving around the city as his favorite playlist played through his headphones. Everything felt nice and peaceful like a good and easy day.

Well that was until loud screaming could be heard in the distance.

MK's smile faded as he took off his headphones. He listened to where the screams were coming from and followed them on his vehicle as quickly as he could.

Practically jumping off his vehicle, he grabbed his staff quickly and ran towards the area of the yelling. Looking around him at the running people, he tried to flow against the crowd and to the source of the issue. That's when he saw something he had hoped would never happen again.

He saw bull clones attacking the city. Though his truce with the Demon Bull family was quite "fragile", he had hoped they would stop their evil ways. However he couldn't mistake that, those were bull clones for sure. Bull clones, and who's the one who makes bull clones? The one and only Red Son. MK felt slightly saddened and disappointed, he hoped that him and Red Son being friends would help him possibly go more to the hero side. Especially after they worked together for so long after the spider queen.

MK sighed before walking closer to the bull clones, now what he could see them better, he noticed how some seemed to be much bigger than they used to be. Much, much bigger. Launching himself into the air to travel faster, he wanted to make it there quicker before anyone else gets injured or worse.

As he reaches the area, a quick thought interrupts his determination, he's alone. None of his friends are here to help him. Pigsy's at the restaurant with Tang, Mei was at home, Sandy was probably drinking tea on his boat, and there's no guarantee that Monkey King had heard about the attack yet, let alone help him.

Nobody else would be there to help him, it was only Monkie Kid who could save all these people. He really didn't want to fight the Bull family though. Maybe if he could find time to have a talk with them..? Then maybe he could convince them of changing their ways.

He soon spotted DBK's new mech. It was huge and had tons of weapons attached to it, not something he had quite seen before. Feeling sweat drip down his face, MK prepared to attack it if needed be. DBK noticed MK down below him, you could almost see him grinning through the mech as he spoke,

"Monkie Kid, alone it seems. No friends to help you or fight with you. You're all by yourself now and you dare to face us?" Princess Iron Fan appears from a gust of wind next to the mech. MK holds a tighter grip on his staff and races towards the mech, going for the knees.

However, before he could land a hit, Bull Clones appeared in front of him, blocking his way. Theres a lot of clones. Letting out an annoyed huff, he begins hitting the many clones surrounding him. However unbeknownst to him, DBK and PIF had already been going off on their way towards the city.

As MK continued attacking the clones, he turned around quickly only to now notice the giant mech already many feet away from him. "Shit." He sprinted after the mech but only to receive more and more bull clones blocking his way in the process. He kept trying again and again but it seemed like the bull clones were just growing the more he tried.

He fought the clones as long as he could, he just hoped that he would have enough time to go after DBK afterwards but for some reason these clones were stronger than they usually were. Making it more difficult. He tried to think of other ways out of this inconvenience until he felt a prickle of heat on the back of his neck. He quickly spun around— nocking out some clones in the process. He looked ahead of him to see Red Son appear in a flurry of fire. Red Son hadn't noticed him at first.

"Red Son?" MK spoke almost as a mutter for a second, letting his guard down. Red Son turned to his direction, making direct eye contact with him. Red Son looked at MK with a slightly shocked face. MK tried to think of something to say, but nothing came to mind before he was suddenly hit by a bull clone punching him into a nearby wall.


The only thing traveling through the demons mind is his own regret. However,  what was he regretting? There were so many things he could think of— but as of now— his only regret is the bond he made. He had chosen to avoid befriending or even speaking to others so this would never happen. Yet, fate has a weird way of choosing soulmates, because here he was, standing in front of the one person who he seemed to like the best. Except, the boy had a staff and the demon, an army.

The worst things tend to happen to the best people.


i know it's short but i wanted to finally get an update out after all this time. i've kind of lost motivation for this story but i won't give up! i'll try to finish it or something but i keep getting distracted by my other stories and such. if anyone ever wanted to take the idea for this story and write the rest themselves i'd be perfectly fine with that lmao.

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