"I'll reach out if you don't" (Chapter 7)

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Idea of Her              💚
0:01 -2:48
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Waking up suddenly, MK rushes to get ready as he's once again late for another day at work. As close as he lives to his job, he still manages to be late every day. He practically runs down the stairwell and into the restaurant. "Sorry Pigsy! I'll get to work right away!" MK grabbed the noodles off the counter and ran outside without listening to whatever Pigsy was going to say next.

Grabbing out his headphones and phone, he started playing his favorite playlist as he traveled around the city dropping off orders. He let out soft hums to the music with a quite visible smile on his face.

As he was driving down the street, he noticed long red hair in the corner of his eye. Without any thought into it, he parked his little vehicle by the side of the road and followed the person from quite far behind. MK couldn't tell from how far away he was, but a part of him had been slightly hoping for it to be Red Son.

As he quite creepily followed the person down the street, he tried to see the persons face. He had no clue what he were going to do if it had been Red Son, but he was still curious. Looking cautiously at the person, their head turned so that they weren't seen as a faceless character. As MK looked— he felt his heart sink into his stomach.

That wasn't Red Son at all.

He hadn't a clue who it was but it for sure wasn't the fiery demon he had hoped for it to be.

MK started up his little vehicle with a long devastated sigh. He got his music started again and off he drove to continue delivering noodles. He seemed to show a more saddened expression.


The pink mortal walked behind the counter to make another batch of noodles. He had been talking with Tang for a while because of Tang's worries. The human felt that Pigsy was quite distant of MK and everyone else more recently. As though something was bothering him or pushing him away. But Pigsy told him it was nothing and that everything was fine. It was sure as hell a lie.

Pigsy started gathering the ingredients to make noodles off of memory. He had been doing it for so long he didn't need instructions. As he started the cooking he felt another presence in the kitchen, and he wasn't surprised about it.

"Cháng Wěi shǔ." He started, "what do you want?" The stranger just grinned deviously at the pig.

"Nothing, just wanted to see how things were going! Y'know i'm not gonna leave you alone till my plans done!" His accent was a mix of southern and British. Not a very likable one to Pigsy. "Why can't ya leave the kid alone? What do you even want with him?" Pigsy turned to face the demon.

"Thats classified! You should know that little piggy! And trust me, everything will be fine in the end if you just listen and play your part!"

This wasn't the first time that Cháng Wěi shǔ had intruded on Pigsy's life. The rat-like demon had first encountered Pigsy as a warning.


Pigsy finished closing up shop but as he was about to go home a giant cloud of grey smoke filled the area as a black silhouette formed in front of him. Pigsy backed up as much as he could before beginning to run away, hoping he could out-run the stranger. But his hopes were fumed as he was suddenly grabbed by a long slim tail. "You're not going anywhere little pig."

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