Not a date (Chapter 4)

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So Alright, Cool, Whatever                                  💚
The Happy Fits
0:01                                                                   -3:10
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When the two got to the ice cream stand, MK had to tell Red Son what all the flavors were since he hadn't really had ice cream before.

"That one is cookie dough, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, mint chocolate chip, cotton candy, rocky road, and there's many more but those are the ones they have here!" MK pointed to each ice cream flavor as he spoke so Red Son could know what he was talking about.

Red Son however had no clue what they would taste like. He's heard of some of these things but these are definitely different then what they're based off of. He stared at all the flavors for a while before deciding on just getting whatever MK was getting. He didn't know what he would like, he mostly has spicy food anyways and this is supposed to be a sweet treat and not something with spice.

"You ready to order!" MK asked Red Son, as he looked over his shoulder towards the demon boy. Red Son nodded his head to MK and he turned away and over to the person working there.

"Alright, I will have a peach ice cream and my friend over here will have a..." MK drifted his glance towards Red Son so he could finish MK's sentence with his own order. Red Son didn't really want anything peach flavored— however, he decided upon getting it anyways. It wouldn't hurt to try.

"I'll also have the peach ice cream... please." Red Son avoid eye contact with the worker as he spoke, looking towards a group of middle schoolers who weren't interesting at all but he had no intention of looking the worker in the eyes.

The worker nodded, getting some cones placing the ice cream scoops on top of them. MK handed the worker money, grabbing the two peach flavored ice creams. Walking towards Red Son, MK handed him his ice cream and began eating his own. Red Son looked down at the cold sweet treat cupped in his hands.

MK looked over to the demon with curiosity, "are you going to eat your ice cream?" He wondered gazing between both Red Son and the ice cream in his hands. MK noticed Red Son look up at him for a moment looking as though he was going to speak but hesitated slightly.

"I am unsure wether I will enjoy it or not. I don't simply try out these pleasantries you plebeians waste money on. However, you did pay for me so, I guess I'll give it a try." Red Son took a small taste of his ice cream, surprised by the sudden coldness on his tongue. MK smiled at Red Son, "well do you like it then?"

Red Son thought for a few moments, still looking at his ice cream with an uncertain expression. "Yes, in a way I can agree I do like this... Ice cream." He responded, his voice fainting off slowly as he wondered if he could have worded that better. Red Son suddenly noticed how MK was practically almost done already, seeming eating it fast.

"When you've finished, where do you want to go next?" By now, Red Son and MK had been walking for a while, taking small bites of their ice cream here and there. "I am unsure, it depends on what you're willing to do and what's in the area."

MK thought for a while, thinking through any possibilities in town that they could experience. His mind, however, didn't land on anything specific. "For now, we could just walk around till we find something to do?" Tilting his head at Red Son, MK watched for an expression in decaying wether that's the plan or not.

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