No plan (chapter 3)

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6 Weeks                                                               💚
Beach Bunny
0:01                                                                   -4:00
                |<                  ||                  >|        


Sitting atop the mountain he called home, The Monkey King stared off into the distance with a calm look on his face. He had been waiting for his successor MK to join him for training today. Although, usually MK doesn't come for another few hours which gives Sun Wukong more time to hang out on his mountain with his monkey friend alone. However, today had different plans.

"Hey uh Monkey king!" MK called out from further down the mountain as he waved his arms up at Wukong. Staring at him confused, The Monkey King made his way over to MK. "Why are you here so early?" He asks him as he crosses his arms.

Scratching his neck nervously, MK slowly responds, "yeah uh... can we uhm, skip training today? I had plans to hang out with a friend." Monkey King ignored how as MK spoke he had got quieter and quieter with each word. "What friend? Where? What time?" Wukong asks him instantly.

Looking panicked, MK starts to hurry off, "thanks for understanding Monkey King! See ya later!" And with that, MK had launched himself back into the sky to get back to the city.

Grunting annoyed, the monkey thinks of how suspicious MK had seemed while speaking.

"I wonder what he's up to."


MK found himself back at the city around 9 am. He had to leave early so he could go inform Monkey King about the inconvenience and then come back to get ready and get a small amount of sleep before hand because he was really tired.

Once he was back in his apartment, he set an alarm for 12 in the afternoon, got a pair of clothes ready and then lays down in his bed. He takes a deep breath before slowly falling asleep taking a short nap.


Waking up at 8:16 in the morning, Red Son stretched before he began to get dressed for the day. He thought in disbelief at the fact that he actually agreed to hangout with that imbecile for the day. Suddenly he worried about what he may tell his parents before leaving but decide to just figure it out when he got to that point.

Leaving his room, Red Son walked into the kitchen. Making himself some eggs for breakfast, he ate quickly before going back to his room while realizing how much time he had left over. When back in his room, it had only been around 9 at the time. Sighing to himself, he grabs a book from his shelf and begins to read to pass by the extra time.

He had read this book before but it was one of his favorites and he always liked to reread things when it felt like a good idea. The only problem with him enjoying to read was that he had already read all the books he had access to in his house.

He had been getting lost in the book when he remembered that he should be looking at the time. Reading his clock, it said 11:57 which means he still had about an hour until the planned visitation. Closing his book, he set it down on his shelf before leaving his room.

Although he still had an hour, he thought it would be best to leave early and get there earlier as well. Including the fact that his house was still quite far from the netting point he needed to be at.

"Son, where are you going today?" A voice interrupts Red Son's thoughts as he looks up to his mother who had been in the kitchen making herself food. Looking at her surprised, Red Son responds nervously.

"Just going to... get some fresh air." Avoiding eye contact with his mother, he hadn't noticed the unbelieving glance that she was giving him. She sighed before responding, "well then, be safe."

Red Son nodded his head as he began to leave his home. Once he was outside, he exhaled a breath he hadn't noticed he was holding. Standing awkwardly by his door, he tried to make himself believe that this was some weird nightmare where he befriends the enemy, but he knew everything was true.

Beginning his walk to the city, he hates to admit it but, he was quite excited.


"Our son is a horrible liar." The Demon Bull King says unamused as he sits on the couch looking over to his wife. "Yes indeed. I wonder what he had been lying about." Princess Iron Fan holds he chin confused as she thinks for a moment.

"Shall I follow him?" She asks her loved one as she walks over and sits down next to him with food for both of them in hand. "No, If something we're to go wrong, Redson can figure it out himself, he's a smart kid." DBK says casually.

"Hm. Got it." PIF sighs and then begins to eat the food she had cooked for the two.


A loud alarm blares in MK's ear as he wakes up quickly looking around to what was happening. Remembering why he set the alarm, he gets up and begins to get himself dressed in the clothes he had planned to wear a few hours before. Putting on his red bandana, MK leaves his apartment and prepares to go. Even though it was only 12:20, he could still use some extra time before getting there just in case.

Walking out his apartment, he was greeted by his best friend Mei. "Hey MK! Aren't you supposed to be at training today?" She asks him as she walks up to him. "Oh uh, nope! I'm taking today off heheh..."

"Hmm, okay then! I got to go, me and Sandy we're gonna have a yoga session, if you wanna join just come on over!" Mei waves goodbye and starts walking off. Confused at the fact that Mei is about to take yoga lessons, MK tries to shake it off as he leaves the store,

As he's making his way to the arcade he can't help but wonder, 'why did Redson actually text back? I thought he would just ignore me.' Sure he had always hoped that Redson would respond but he didn't actually think it would happen.

Suddenly, MK was taken out of his thoughts as he saw the arcade in view. When he reached the arcade, it seemed to be around 12:50. He stood there waiting for Red Son to make his way there. When he hadn't seen Red Son coming yet, he began to think that Redson wouldn't actually show up. However, before he could think any longer, Red Son finally appeared in the distance.

"Well Noodleboy, you actually came." Red Son said with a stubborn tone as he walked up to MK. "I should be the one saying that to you Red!" MK pointed to Red Son and then smiled. Unsure of what to respond, Red Son stood there nervously staring at MK before suddenly coughing as a reminder of what was happening. "Well, should we get on with it?"

MK nodded his head, "yup! Where do you wanna go first? The mall, ice cream, Arcade?" MK listed each idea on his fingers as he spoke. "Hm, I'll leave that up to you, I've never really had a 'meet up' before." Red Son quoted the words "meet up" as he spoke. "Well then, I say we get ice cream first!" MK grins at Redson.

Trying to ignore the odd feeling inside him that urged him to grab Red Son's hand, MK started walking towards the ice cream. Red Son hadn't noticed MK's odd behavior and thought to himself.

'Maybe today will be slightly enjoyable.'

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