Chapter 3.

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Word count: 3826


[Sorry, you want WHAT.]

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

It's been a few weeks since your last mission. You were still annoyed at how that guy not only betrayed you and that lady, but also didn't pay you nor give you any information about himself whatsoever.

You couldn't even search for him to get your payment because of that. Try and search for a cloaked man that probably didn't even live in the archipelago, it wouldn't do anything.
Even his signature on the contract was fake, as you later found out.

Still, you managed to somewhat clear your mind and spent the last weeks on the crewship. It was relaxing, and also nice to catch up with basically all your comrades and friends.

Though currently you were just enjoying the view of the sea, on top of one of the masts. The one where you would usually look for land in the far distance, though it was mainly used to rest by everyone.

The next destination was some island for traders in the archipelago, mainly to get new supplies because the past week was spent far beyond it. And also to pick up some mercenaries who should have finished their latest job's by now.

You could have gone to some of the hunters or other people from beyond the archipelago to ask if they knew anything about that traitor-guy, but it didn't seem to be worth it. Not to mention that you probably would've had to pay, and you definitely weren't going to spend any gold on that man.

"Sitting all by yourself again?"
Someone sat down beside you, you recognized the voice pretty easily; It was the engineer of the crew, Skuld.

{Skuld; Genderfluid}

{Skuld; Genderfluid}

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"Hey Skuld." You replied, still looking at the sea. "How are you? Haven't seen you around in quite a while."

"Ah, the usual. Fixing things, enjoying my own company... But I felt like I had to talk to you at least once before you're off to another mission again." Skuld chuckled a bit, but then abruptly stopped.
"Still, I heard what happened on your last one-"

You almost immediately sighed annoyed and closed your eyes. "Don't remind me. It's still bugging me."
You could practically feel your anger rising again, but Skuld's sudden laughter managed to snap you out of it.

"Yeeaaah, I can imagine. Just wanted to tell you that I'll look out for someone with a big red singletail, and also that Eric may or may not started to tell people about it all."
"Of course he did." You sighed again, this time out of disappointment.

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