Chapter 12.

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I'm so so sorry for the long wait, life has just been pretty rough, but it's getting better and I'm motivated to write more again! (~5000 words here were written in ~4 days/from saturday evening to tuesday night :^)

The fact this was kind off a pain to write at first didn't really help, but it did help me improve at writing dialogue lmao

I will try my absolute best to get the next chapter/s done faster tho! And big thanks to you all for waiting and (hopefully) not giving on up on this fic!

Enjoy :D

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~ First Day. ~

Word count; 7872

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Grunting, you turned to your side in hopes of getting more comfortable. Almost every possible laying position hurt as much or more than the last. It was a miracle you even got a little bit of sleep, but even now that the sun was starting to rise you tried to get more rest – it was in vain.
Wooden boxes just didn't make for a comfortable bed. Yet you still preferred that over sleeping on the ground like a wild animal, even if your body thought differently at the moment.

You stayed in the same position for a few minutes, maybe less. You couldn't quite tell, your focus was on internally telling yourself to fall asleep again.
Eventually you gave up. You weren't tired enough, and your mind was set on the pain and uncomfortableness. Guess you had to go through the day with barely two or three hours of sleep. Which you only got because you were too exhausted after all that happened last night, and the (slightly) restless nights beforehand.

With a heavy sigh you sat up, and immediately had the urge to crack every bone in your back. Thor were you sore. Note to yourself; never sleep on these boxes again. Next time the floor might be better after all, even if you absolutely hated the idea of sleeping on the ground.
Nevermind all that, you could think about that next night once the sun went down again. Right now you had other things to focus on. Including your stiff back.

Stretching your arms as far as possible above your head, you could feel – and hear – some of your bones crack and immediately felt a bit of a relief. Right after you quickly looked to the side of the boxes, checking if your stuff was still on the ground beside you.
Luckily, it was. Nothing seemed amiss, and your sword was still there too. Taking a quick glance around, you didn't even see anyone close by. Aside from some people sleeping on the ground.

You didn't feel like you were hungover in the slightest, and you weren't sure if that was a good or bad sign. You were definitely a bit drunk yesterday, but the fact you didn't feel like it anymore made you question just how much you really drank.
How many of your embarrassing moments from last night actually happened due to the alcohol, and how many of them were just you?

You couldn't tell. And that was really fucking bad.
But at least you didn't get wasted on your first night, that was good. To some extent.
You still didn't act like yourself, drunk or not, and that was definitely a problem for you. None of the hunters would know, but you did. And that was enough to be worrying.

By the gods, you needed to stop waking up like this. Always starting your day off with a heavy mind wasn't going to do anything for you other than ruin your days.
Rubbing your eyes to get rid of some of your tiredness, you took a deep breath and let the fresh air fill your lungs. It smelled like the sea, unsurprisingly, with a bit of alcohol mixed into it. It smelled like your homeship after a night of reunited mercenaries.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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