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As she missed many of his calls, not only, she didn't even appear in the meeting they had planned with the Jeguk group, Seokjin couldn't help but worry about her, being absent from such an important meeting was not like her at all, she was a person who worshipped her job, she had a passion for it, work was the only thing she had feelings for, not caring about humans altogether, not after all what the mankind did to her.

Knowing about the heinous scheme Min ho pulled, Seokjin's anger reached its peak, he wanted to go as far as killing the man threatening her, only if he knew that the idea of his would ease her revengeful taste, he would have already sent his men to destroy the bastard at once, without even leaving a trace behind, he could swear the lad's body won't be founded not even in deep oceans.

He worried about her leading a life next to her perpetrator, to augment his worries, she went out of reach all of a sudden, not answering her phone that he spammed with messages and calls, that have been all forwarded to the voicemail, the only solution left for him, was no other but contacting the most trusted man she had, the only one who could know her whereabouts, and if not, who could find her at the speed of light.

" You for once did a good job in your life Taehyung, where is your boss?"

" Ask her yourself hyung"

"Listen, don't give me that hyung bullshit, and tell me her whereabouts, hurry up, I have no time for you"

" Yongsan-gu"

Although Taehyung was fairly famous for the lack of phone conversation ethics, hanging up always first, this time it was Seokjin not having a single second to spend on his little brother, in all cases, he wasn't that cheerful about that call either way.

Entering her penthouse, only to witness the horrendous state of the latter, everything broken in shatters, everything on the ground, an unguarded house, not a single soul standing in front of the door as they were supposed to be, not even on the entrance of the building, the thought of what he would see next were tragic to say the less, he visioned her bathing in a pool of blood, being assassinated by the raged dog in the form of a husband she had, or worst, being kidnapped.

Retrieving his fully loaded P30 from the back of his waist, he urged toward her bedroom, ready to shoot anyone brave enough to have touched her, to bring her harm, or danger, no matter who that could be.

With a strong hold on the doorknob, jerking the door open at once, Seokjin's mouth widened at the scene that appeared in his field of vision, blinking several times only to get hardly hit by reality, a scene that shocked a skilled shooter, and a highly capable man in hiding emotions, to lose control on his gun, dropping it to meet the floor.

He had a feeling, and his gut was indeed real, there was more between Jungkook and Katarina than just a simple deal, or contract, or whatever she may have insisted on, it could be anything between lust to infatuation, but surely not work.

Or obsession.

Their naked bodies laying next to each other, sleeping comfortably like some newlyweds, he lent her his strong arm to use as a pillow, while her delicate hand over his sturdy and wide chest, Seokjin was bluffed, he only regained his senses when her body moved around, causing the duvet to shift away showing her beautiful bosoms, that was now sensitive from the cold air that brushed on them, stimulating the nipples.

Regret visited his numb brain once again, he again felt unworthy for having let go of her in the beginning, he regretted it in the past, and that regret visited him once again, now. Although he knew how much sexually active she was, he was aware that she never frequented someone out of interest, she only did it to satisfy her needs, never dated even, nor held feelings for a man, however, seeing Jungkook in her bed, hit him differently, it was like a danger alarm to his brain, he needed to stop whatever situation was bound to happen between them or maybe, happened already.

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