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The room was dark, with a prominent light in the middle, just above his head. The source of light was a big bother to his already stressed state, truth to be told though, he was keeping it all bottled, without utters. The anger, the rage, and the boiling feelings inside his heart, he managed well to keep those hidden, to control them over, it wasn't really in his benefit to reveal whatever he felt at that moment.

The reflection he saw on the big glass that separated the two rooms, seemed different, yet for a certain reason familiar. Looking intently at the reflected figure of his seated self, Jungkook went deep in his thoughts as he waited for the prosecutor to step in.

The charges pressed against him were not that serious, but his records were not that clean either. Jungkook steered through dark roads ever since his wife passed away, indulging his self in endless fights, loosening up the control he once imposed over his self. Being held in the segregation multiple times in the military camp, after having caused serious injuries from continuous beatings, albeit he was every time soon released, due to the report provided by the therapist who had diagnosed him with acute intermittent explosive disorder, his acts still succeeded in staining his criminal record.

As the door opened, Jungkook senses were soon alerted, directly turning his gaze toward the door, checking intently the person who stood tall against the latter. The man approached the table, slamming his belongings on it, he took a seat facing Jungkook whom hands were handcuffed still. Turning on his laptop, the investigator who seemed in his early thirties, cladded in a black leather jacket, and black shirt, the only colored item in his outfit was the name-tag that hanged around his neck. Blue and white, a soft touch to the dark aura he was providing.

" Jeon Jungkook, twenty eight years old, ex-major in the 56th infantry division, accused several times for abusive behavior and physical offense, and now, for illegal arms possession. Jeon Jungkook-ssi, you seem to be a problematic individual"

" Got swayed out of the right line I guess"

As the man leaned his back toward the cross-rail of his seat, he gave Jungkook a scrutinizing look, intently trying to decipher the man in front of him. He was doing his job, but he was also sitting on Jungkook's nerves with his gaze, he didn't liked it at all, being judged that way wasn't something that pleased him.

" Investigator Park Hyungsik, nice to meet you Jungkook-ssi, let's cooperate and make outta this a rapid conversation"

" I have enough time at my disposal, but if that is what you want, let's go for it.Nice to meet you too, investigator Park"

As Jungkook spoke, the investigator got a better grasp on the situation, he understood that the man in front of him was nothing near to an easy person. Albeit he was used to stubborn criminals, that were a folds worst that Jungkook, still, the demeanor Jungkook kept serving him during their small talk, made him understand why Katarina went that far only to convince him. Small correction, to force him.

Park Hyungsik, was one of Katarina's man inside Gagnam Metropolitan police agency, he usually came very useful whenever situations tangled with the prosecution, the mentioned man has many connections with the prosecution office, making it easier for Katarina to get things quickly wrapped before reaching the court.

As Jungkook defiance knew no end, and obviously no limits, no matter how much she tried to convince him in sweet ways he seemed never willing to cooperate, Katarina decided to make him do just that, but in her own style. Although she wasn't really a fan of the forcing methods, she genuinely wished he could do as instructed by her, without making her use any aggressive methods, however, he seemed to have a different saying in every time, and every single situation.

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