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As what Copter and I agreed.. I kept my distance. In the first place, it was me chasing them after all.. All Ter has to do is make me leave them alone.. And well.. he won.. so I did give him his reward.

In a flash then, first year came to an end and summer began. I have courses I needed to comply as prerequisite for my upcoming term so even if summer classes is such a pain, I have to attend them.

To be honest.. Days might have come fast but my heart was stuck on that day.

The kiss.

My mind is still tracing the memory of that day.. Does it had to end that way? I mean.. I wish we had at least talk it out.. Or maybe a simple goodbye to sum everything up.

But Tae will surely just see it as an excuse to meet them. Cop in the other hand seemed to be okay as well after that day. He's back on his routines and--


Is that--



I can't believe to meet him here.. What the--

"How are you?"

He then started.. Cop might have noticed how breathless I was.

"It's.. Been months.. Right?"

"Y-Yeah.. I mean.. I'm.. Fine.. How about you? Why are you here? You're a regular, right?"

"I barely made it to pass.. So my professor advised that I have to take remedials or summer classes.."

Ter lowered his head looking so down about it.

"What's wrong??"

"I can't help it if I'm dumb. I'm doing extra classes and has tutorials but my brain just can't do it."

"Hey.. But you're doing great, right? You're getting better.. Not everyone is willing to do their best and here you are not missing it even if it's making you shy.."

"Who said I'm shy? I'm not, okay?!"

He looked away avoiding my eyes but, him blushing furiously, is a hit on.

"Fine! You're. Not. Shy."

A smile then extended on his face displaying his dimples beautifuly as he whispered..

"Thank you... I'll see you around."

See.. Me around?



"I.. I thought.. We promised to--"

"I told you to stay away from my boyfriend. Not to me though."

He shifted to turn away and while leaving, he added..

"And did you forget? This is a reset."

RESET (TaeTeeTer) Where stories live. Discover now