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"It's hot.. Summer is hot.."

"Does the idea of me being jealous towards summer ever crossed your mind?"

"Stop it.."

"Your ice cream is melting.."

"Want to lick it?"

"Hey.. Don't ask me that way with a grin.."

"You like licking my hands tho.."

"That's inside my room you brilliant mind."

"Fine.. Fine.."

"I'll get you tissues, I forgot to bring some .. I should remind myself that my boyfriend is a toddler."


I was running away before Ter can throw his ice cream right on my face when I accidentally bump on someone's back..

"Shoot! Sorr-- Oh.. Tee?"

Wow.. Out of all people.. Out of this crowd.. What kind of fate is pulling its strings for me to accidentally meet my boyfriend's crush?!


He shyly started after an awkward silence between us..

"Hi.. Good to see you here.."

I think.. I should run before he ask about--

"Is Copter with you?"

Damn it! I'm slow.


I knew it! I knew fate has been stabbing me against my back!

"Ter.. Oh wait.. Here's a tissue.."

He grabbed a sheet and offered to take the ice cream from Ter's hand and wrapped it with the tissue as it's all over his hand.. When he pulled another tissue to wipe Cop's hand.. I suggested to do it for him instead..

I have to do it before I pinch my boyfriend's nose for blushing.

For Tee.. I wonder if he knew Copter's admiration towards him.. But he should stop this teasing!

I know Ter loves me but.. I don't know why the heck is he turning red!

"Awwe Tee.. We have a deal, right?"

A deal?

Ter didn't mention anything after that day. And here I am silently and obediently listening while cleaning his fingers.

"Of course I remember.."

"So why are you here in front of my boyfriend?"

Fuck! I love him!

"Copter.. I already complied.."

Complied? Of what?


"Your exact words was.. Leave him alone after. You need to move on from the past. And.. Do a reset."

"Yeah.. I.. Kinda somehow remember.."

My love.. What's up with kinda and somehow?

"Well.. I did leave him alone."


"And already moved on."

You did? Geez! It must've been convenient!


"And now it's time for a reset."

"Eh? What the heck are you talking about?"

"We will begin again from the start erasing the past."

"Hey.. Hey.. Hold your horses.. You two.. What the hell is with We?"

I finally interrupted as my gut kicked in screaming there's something stupid going on here.

"We.. You.. Me.. And him."

"What are you trying to say?"

Ter pouted obviously not getting anything from all of this..

"As I was saying.. It's a reset so.."

A glimmer on his face blinded me. This. Is. Trouble.

"Leaving Tae alone is already no longer effective.. Well in the first place.. We didn't agree for it to be forever.. And.. I already moved on loving Tae so now I found a new--"

I grabbed Ter's wrist to runaway before he hears anything out of everyone's league.. But suddenly.. We were halted as Tee pulled his other hand making it seemed like an idiotic tug-of-war!

"Tee! Let go!"

"No! Hear me out first!"

"No. No. No!"

"Tae.. Let's listen fir--"

"No! Hey.. Don't side to him Copter!"


"Ter! Tae! I think I like you both!"



Ter pulled his wrist from me draining my life force.

What.. Did I.. Do for this life I live in to betray me?

"Yeahhh.. I like Tae.. And I like you too now.. Since it's a reset.. I can like you both, right?"


Dear world..

Why are these two airheads are so excited about it..



I called staring to my dumbass boyfriend.


Then turned my attention to this master dumberass..

"..Of course--"

I closed my eyes trying to gather all the patience I earned for 54 years and said..



RESET (TaeTeeTer) Where stories live. Discover now