🚩Byler- destroy🚩

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TW: sad will, cussing

Will POV (sorry if I switch POV's a lot) 

     "Okay bye mom, love you!" I heard my mom yell goodbye as I jumped into the car with 'Jane' and my brother. Argyle was still smoking outside when mike jumped in the car with us, Jonathan peeked his head out of the window and yelled "hurry up dude! damn." I laughed a little bit before laying down against one of the pillows, today was one of the last days that Mike would be here. we all talked about what we wanted to do on his last day but never finally decided on anything. "anyone wanna go to the car dump?" the car dump was where people dumped and destroyed their old cars. 

      "I would love to!" El said with a smile ear to ear, mike looked at her like she was a painting, like the Mona Lisa or something like that. "do you have a bat?" I looked at Jonathan, he knows how mad I've been about how mike has only been paying attention to El. I love El but it feels like she took my best friend from me. "yep." I smirked knowing I was gonna have fun today. Mike looked between me and Jonathan, almost a scared look. 

     on the drive there no one really talked, for most of it I was either resting or asleep. it was about an hour's drive "Alright people were here!" Argyle woke me and right as I jumped out of the car Jonathan handed me a bat "thank you, brother." Jonathan grabbed his own and gave me safety glasses, as we walked down the rows and rows of cars we chose a nice new-looking one "well, this looks like a new car." Argyle smirked watching my smile grow "it's perfect." 

     I put the glasses on and swung the bat at the tail light, it took a few times before I was able to finally break it. I heard cheering behind me, it only made my blood boil more to see Mike looking at El and barely clapping. I turned back around and it only took me one swing to break the side mirror off  "fuck!" I could feel everyone's eyes on me "you hurt?" Jonathan touched my shoulder, I laughed "nope!" after he backed away I took a swing at the side front door and a large dent formed. I could see the blue paint on the end of my bat, it made me happy.

     I laughed loudly and climbed to the top of the car "well... is anyone else joining me or are you all just gonna stand there and watch?!" Jonathan twirled his bath in his hand, gripped it hard, and then took a swing at the side back door. He had more paint on his bat, he was a little stronger than me so it was acceptable. I looked over and saw that Mike and El were sitting in the dirt playing with one of the parts I had broken off. I hate that it makes me so mad because from what I've seen they're really happy together, I guess I hate that I can't have that. "ARGH!" I hit the top of the car with all my might, 

and then a crack 

and another crack

     I fell through the top and into the car, I was thankfully un-harmed. "oh shit." I looked outside of the car and saw mike wasn't even paying attention, and he has the audacity to call me his friend. I climbed out through the top and walked back up the Argyles van. I took off my now dusty and broken glass-filled shirt "HEY ARGYLE! WHERE DO YOU KEEP THAT EXTRA SHIRT?" he looked up the hill covering his eyes with his hand to shield himself from the sun "SORRY DUDE, I USED IT THE OTHER DAY!" I sighed slamming my head into the side of his car "OKAY, THANKS!" I tossed the shirt into the van and just walked back down there, my hair was so fucking messy that it didn't even look like I had a bowl cut anymore. "Woah, is that my brother??" 

     I laughed and punched my brother in the arm, right then MIke looked at us trying to figure out what my brother was talking about. I think this was the first time that Mike had even looked at me the whole time we were out here. he looked away quickly, back to smashing things I guess. 

     I grabbed my bat that had fallen to the ground and walked to the back window. I smashed it in one go, "damn Will wheres' all this anger coming from??" I looked at Mike, but he didn't look back. I pointed to him, Argyle made an 'O' face and then nodded I smirked and hit the windows one last time. it was about 8:30 and we still had an hour to drive back home. it was dark outside, we all met at the top of the hill when Mike finally made eye contact with me "hey." I was straight-faced, and he looked down like he was disappointed... in himself. as he should. 

I had fun writing this but just remember it's creative writing, anyway please comment or message me requests for this book!

final word count: 885

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