☁️ericaxdustin- abandoned☁️

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Erica: 16 Dustin: 17 (IDK if that's right) I'm watching Sam and Colby. (by 'everyone' i mean Max, Lucas, Dustin, Will, El, Eddie, Steve, Mike, and Robin)

TW: blood

Erica POV

     "I'm not getting in trouble because you and your little friends want to go and trespass on private property." my brother sighed "but you are the only one who knows how to pick locks! please!" I said no again and started walking to my room, I could feel his smug face "Dustin will be there~" I stopped dead in my tracks, fuck, he knows my weakness. I didn't turn around "ill come. let me get dressed." he giggled as I walked up the stairs, I locked my bedroom door and could feel my cheeks get hot. "Damnit, Lucas." I pulled some stuff out of my closet, a bright-colored tee and jean shorts.

     "it's cold outside." I looked at him and rolled my eyes, it's not that cold "fine ill go put on jeans." I walked back upstairs and heard the front door open. loud voices filled the kitchen, everyone except, I think, Nancy. of course, the only other voice of reason, besides mama steve, isn't here. I walked downstairs and saw everyone except nancy, even Will and El were there which I didn't expect "oh hey everyone." they all waved and went back to talking, except Dustin. he's always been so lovely to me, I've always thought he was cute, even when he didn't have teeth. 

     "hey, erica!" he sat next to me, I was tying my shoes. "hey Dustin, what's up?" he smiled, his smile was so adorable "nothing really, I got a new cat, her name is church!" I smiled "aww that's cute. what color is she?" he went on and talked about his new cat for a while. I hate to say it but I wasn't listening, I was looking at his hair, eyes, and lips. oh, those lips, they're so pretty. "hey love birds come on!" everyone had already gotten into the car and steve was just watching us. Dustin's face was pink "o-okay, sorry!" we jumped up and sat in steves car, the rest of the group was in Eddie's car. I heard he had to put 2 of them in the trunk which would be funny if it's true. 

     I was sitting by the window, I had motion sickness. while we were listening to music in steves car, robin was complaining about the music, Lucas was arguing with max (probably something stupid) and then me and Dustin sat quietly. I don't think he realized what he was doing but his hand was laid on my upper thigh, I could feel myself sweating even though it was 50 degrees and I had a t-shirt on. we were going to an abandoned power plant, there was no electricity, probably no lights, pretty sure that's why we went during the day. 

     when we arrived his hand lifted off of me and he jumped out "alright kids pick a partner!" Robin went with Will and El, steve went with Lucas and Max, and then Eddie "went" with me and Dustin. Eddie ran off after 3 seconds of being with us so he could go and hang out with his boyfriend "wanna get to the top?" I looked at him confused "the roof! there's a ladder on the right side. I've been here before." I sighed and looked up at him, I crossed my arms "is the roof caving in? is the ladder broken in any way?" "no and no." I rubbed the bridge of my nose "fine but if I fall through I'm gonna kill you." he jumped up and down excitedly and grabbed my hand to run with me. "okay okay calm down I can run!" 

     I laughed and picked up my pace, we finally made it to the so-called ladder, it was more of half a ladder. I wasn't tall enough to get to it, I was about 5'3 (1.524 meters) and Dustin was 6 foot (1.8288 meters) he was able to touch it and get his foot to it, and I was able to touch it but barely. "you're gonna have to pull me up or hoist me up." he laughed "haha short." I punched him in the arm, "okay fine come here" he got on one knee in front of me "what are you doing?". he rolled his eyes "put your foot in my hand and I'm gonna push you up."

     I did what he told me to and I was able to use the little arm strength I had to hoist myself up he started climbing up as soon as I was halfway up. when we got to the top he found a place where it was stable enough for us to sit, we sat for a while and watched the sun go down. when it got cold he gave me his jacket, and we started talking about what we wanted to do after college "I don't really know what I want to do, all I know is I'm ready to get out of here." he nodded "same, I mean I love this place, I do. I have so many memories from places like this and I don't think I could lose those but I also don't want to stay in a cursed town. but you still have to appreciate the things you experienced. just think! if we hadn't got locked in a Russian elevator would we ever have been friends?" 

     I looked at him and smiled "well I'm just glad that... I met you." the sunlight made a beautiful hue on his face I scooted closer "thank you, I'm glad I met you too. but why are you so happy you met me? thought I was just a loser!" I sighed I scooted to where I was about 3 inches from his face "because I didn't think I could meet someone like you who could put up with my shit who... looked so good while doing it." I touched the side of his, face with my fingertips he went red but I felt a hand on my waist "is this okay?" he whispered, I nodded "it's perfect~" I felt his breath hit my lips, we were so close but so far at the same time.

     "fuck it" I slowly pushed in but he connected our lips, he was very gentle but it was still passionate. we kissed for a few minutes before he licked my bottom lip, I opened my mouth a bit and let him slide his tongue in, our tongues danced for a while before he put both of his hands on my thighs and pulled me closer. "hmm!~" god, this man was good! I climbed onto his lap, he was crisscrossed and I had a knee on each side of him. I could hear him moan a little bit and that was an extreme turn on "Okay, I'm breaking this up before it goes any further!" we broke apart and I fell off of him "shit!" he slid down the roof, on accident, to the lower roof.

     after he climbed up I started questioning them, everyone was just kinda standing there, steve and Lucas had broken us up. "how long have you been there?!" robin laughed "ever science you said, and I quote, "fuck it"." I rubbed the bridge of my nose, I looked over to see Dustin was extremely embarrassed "leave." Lucas tried arguing "Lucas! I'm serious." they all climbed down the ladder, and once they were out of view I turned to him "I'm sorry." he tried getting up "hey, hey why?" he sat back down "I got you in trouble." I laughed "I'm not in trouble! the only reason Lucas did that is because he likes to see me embarrassed. And hey, if he tells on me, there's a lot of things I could say about him to my parents that would make me the least of their problems." 

     he laughed and hugged me, he's so god damn cute "okay... so... what does that mean for us?" I laughed "I've liked you for a very long time, so it would make me the happiest girl in the world if I could call you my boyfriend." he smiled and nodded "I've liked you for a really long time too, when did you start liking me?" I started thinking "I think... when you invited me to that D&D game to stand in for Lucas." he laughed "wow, I've liked you ever since the Russian elevator!" I awwed and we finally climbed down the ladder, he went before me so he could catch me. 

     Lucas stayed mad for the rest of the trip home for some reason. when I got to my room I tried to contact him through the walkie-talkies and he answered "hey, I still have your jacket. do you want it back? I can bike over there tomorrow and give it back." he answered back quickly "no-no! you keep it, I don't need it and it looks better on you anyway." we talked for hours until the battery started going low "hey I've got to go but, thank you again for tonight. I think it's been one of my most memorable nights." he laughed and said goodnight and I turned my walkie-talkie off and replaced the batteries. I'm so happy. 

I want to make a smut part 2 to this so be on the lookout for that 

final word count: 1,584

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