☁️lumax- that time of the month☁️

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I thought this would be cute because I want something like this.

TW: nothing honestly 


     I've been having a really shitty weak, my periods have been pretty heavy and the cramps were so bad my teacher had to pull me out for a few minutes. Lucas knows how bad it can be, he even wrote down on his calendar when the week was every month, he was such a fantastic boyfriend. I was lying in my room hearing my mom talking to someone on the phone "MAX GET IN HERE." I sighed and held my stomach trying to get up without hurting myself, "y-yes?" she handed me the phone "it's for you." she went back into the living room "h-hello?" it was Lucas "high baby, I looked on my calendar and I'm so sorry, I was wondering if you wanted to come over? I've got your heating pad and your favorite snacks!" 

     I smiled "I-I'd love to, just let me grab my stuff and ill meet you down the road."  instead of meeting him in the front and risking getting seen we started meeting about a block over. I gathered an extra pair of underwear and clothes just in case I spent the night, I grabbed an extra box of pads as well. I opened my window and jumped out, I closed it behind me and walked towards the road. he was sitting smoking a cigarette when I opened the door "hi baby!" he threw his cigarette out of the window "hi darling! how are you?" 

     I sighed and sat down, I felt like I was about to cry "I feel so shitty." he awwed at me and leaned over the console "how dare you, hurting my girlfriend."  he pointed at my stomach and I laughed "thank you for yelling at my uterus but I don't think its listening." he placed his hand under my chin "can I kiss you?" I looked at him and started snickering "of course you can baby!" he pulled me in and kissed me softly. "alright wanna go by the gas station and get dinks? I forgot to grab some this morning." I smiled at him "I'd love to." 

     He turned on kate bush and we rode to the gas station a few minutes from his house. "what would you like?" I thought for a second "can you grab me a tall water and like a sprite or something along the lines of that?" he nodded and ran into the store, he's way too good to me. he came running back out a few minutes later with our stuff. "alright my mom and dad took Erica to one of her contest things and won't be back until Sunday so if you would like to stay the night you can." I nodded. he let out a loud sigh "your so pretty." I scrunched my face and turned away from him "Ewww" he laughed and kissed me on the cheek.

     "If I could kiss every freckle on your body I would." it was like he physically had heart eyes, I could feel my face go a little red "your the cutest". when we pulled up to his house he pulled me inside and into his room, there was a cute little fort made for us.

 when we pulled up to his house he pulled me inside and into his room, there was a cute little fort made for us

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     "Awwww, I love it, Lucas!" he helped sit me down and grabbed a heating pad from his closet.  we were still hiding from our parents and so he had to hide a bunch of my stuff that I left over or that he got for me. "and here's the snacks and drinks. and do you want to watch s movie or do you just want to sit in silence?" "I wanna watch a movie, I wanna watch beetle juice." he walked over to his shelf and picked the tape up "alright, here... we go!" he pulled me into his lap and hugged me "just for extra warmth." I could feel him snuggle into my neck. "you're amazing." 

Alright, don't forget to comment or message me privately about and request for stories.

final word count: 703

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