Chapter 6: Howling Letters

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"Sorry but do you mind helping me in?" I asked the girl, having to shout just to hear myself over the wind.

"Oh yes of course, the wind must be unbearable." The girl said in that dreamy voice.

I dragged my trunk over to the edge of the train, telling the girl to stand back, before dropping it into the compartment through the window.

I then carefully positioned myself do that my feet were able to reach into the open window, and swung myself down into the compartment.

"Sorry for dropping in." I said turning to the girl, and getting a good look at her for the first time.

She had waist length blond hair, with a dazed dreamy look on her face, with a pair of strange multicoloured glasses on her face

"My name's (Y/n) by the way." I told her sticking out my hand.

"You're one of the Weasley boys aren't you?" She asked me taking me by surprise, I looked nothing like my brothers.

"Err yeah I am." I said uncertainty.

"Yes I thought as much." The girl said, still staring at me.

"How did you-"

"The Nargles around your head. I've only ever seen them around Weasley... although there are some other ones as well. I've never seen any like them."

"Nargles?" I asked her confused, not understanding anything she was saying.

"That and the Wrackspurts." She told me, tilting her head slightly as she watched me. "You're head is covered in them."

"And what exactly are wrackspurts?" I asked her.

"They're these little creatures that fly into your ears and makes your thoughts fuzzy." She explained to me.

"Well that would explain a lot. Hey what's your name anyway?" I asked the girl.

"Luna." She said with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you Luna." I said, debating if I should take my trunk and try to find Hermione. It only took one look at my heavy trunk for me to decided it wasn't worth it.

"You mind if I sit here?" I asked her gesturing to the seat. She shook her head at this.

"So are you a first year?" I asked Luna, as she stared out the window cross eyed.

"Oh yes." She told me turning towards me, refocusing her eyes on me. "I'm quite excited."

"Do you know what house you're going to be in?" I asked her.

"Daddy says I've got the open mind of a Ravenclaw." She told me proudly.

"I can see that." I told her. She truly was an odd girl.

We talked for a while longer, and I learnt she didn't live that far from me. It was easy to talk to Luna, and soon we were becoming fast friends.


After a few hours the train seemed to begin to slow as it pulled into the station at Hogsmead.

"After you." I said holding the door open for Luna, before following her out into the crowded hall of the train.

We made our out off the train, and I could hear Hagrid's voice calling for first years to join him.

"First years over 'ere! First years! 'Ey (Y/n) how's it going. 'Aven't seen 'Arry or Ron 'ave you?" Hagrid called to me.

"They're flying here!" I called to Hagrid who looks bewildered by this.

"Flyin' 'ow?" Hagrid called to me.

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