Chapter 12: The First Match

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I lay in bed, I had only just gotten back from the Gryffindor common room, and couldn't fall asleep.

In the end I pulled out the diary Ginny had given me, flipping through it absent-mindedly, until.

"Ouch." I muttered, as I cut up finger on one of the pages drawing blood. Strangely though but blood didn't stain the page, one second it was there a red spot on a blank piece of parchment, and then it was gone. As if nothing had even been there.

I stared down at it confused, before I let another drop of blood drip onto the page. Just like before it stayed there for a moment before it vanished once more.

Interested I pressed my entire finger onto the page, smearing the blood around on the page. Suddenly the book gave a shudder, the pages seemed to be excited about my blood, before it lay still once more.

It remained like this for a minute, and I was just about to put it way when writing appeared on the page.


Confused I stared at the words as the disappeared back into the page. Hurriedly I grabbed a pot of ink and a quill out of my bag and wrote Hello on the page.

My name is Tom Riddle.

"My name is (Y/n) Weasley." I wrote back. The words disappeared and it took a full minute before writing appeared again.

Are you sure?

I stared down at the page confused. What was that supposed to mean.

"What do you mean?" I wrote back.

Perhaps I am mistaken. I thought

The sentence ended there, and I wrote back "Thought what?"

Nothing. Surely I must be mistaken.

I thought for a second before I wrote the first thing that came to mind, something I'd been thinking about for a while.

"Did you know that muggles used to kill wizards?" I wrote, wanting to talk to someone about it.

Oh yes, and they done much worse than that.

"They have?" I wrote.

They've been persecuting us for centuries and yet we're the ones in hiding.

"That's what I thought!" I wrote back glad I found someone who agreed.

Not just us, but each other as well. They've had two wars where they've killed each other.

"They've killed each other? What for?"

For having different beliefs.

"That's it? They killed each other for that?"

Yes they did.

"And yet we have to hide? They're the ones scared of us?"

Exactly, if you ask me it should be us that rule over them.

I thought about this for a second, I had never fully though about it, but it made sense. If wizards ruled over muggles we could help them, make sure they didn't slaughter each other for different beliefs.

"Who are you anyway?" I wrote.

Tom Riddle.

"You said that already. I mean who are?"

It would be easier to show you.

Show me? What did that mean. "Ok" was all I wrote back, and suddenly the pages of the book began to flutter, flipping back to the beginning of the book, and I was sucked in.

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