Chapter 3

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Patrick thumbs the worn out fabric of his jacket sleeve. Well, it was really Pete's jacket sleeve, but Pete was gone by the time he woke up alone in the van and he hasn't ran into him since.

He was sitting back stage of the largest venue they've ever played at. The owner was apparently friends with Andy's family so they invited him to play. Of course they weren't going to get paid, but they were playing with some of the more popular bands in this scene, so none of them argued.

Andy walks in, a towel in his hand and his hair wet. The venue had a shower, the first one they've seen in a few days. They usually get by with sticking their heads under faucets, and wet cloth with shitty soap. They take this opportunity very seriously because who knows when the next shower date is.

"Hey, have you seen Pete?", Patrick asks.

Andy sits down next to him on the couch, the towel around his neck, reaching for a magazine on the table.

"He left with Joe this morning to find a music store. He didn't want me to tell you, but he accidentally broke your guitar string."

"When? They were fine last night."

He shrugs, "I don't know, I think he was messing with it this morning."

Just then, Pete and Joe barges in, lifting up the bags in the air.

"New guitar strings, and an amp chord that actually works! I also bought take out.", Pete says.

"Patrick, you would not believe what Pete made me go through to find your stupid guitar strings, you guys better have a good time in bed tonight."

Patrick blushes, throwing a pillow at him. Joe dodges it, and plops down next to Andy. They go into an in depth conversation about this article Joe read when he was waiting on Pete.

"I bought your favorite.", Pete says.

He hands Patrick a carton with food in it. Patrick mumbles a quiet thanks, taking the carton from Pete. He eyes patrick carefully, and Patrick can definitely tell, and he knows that Pete knows Patrick is aware.

"Pete, you don't have to watch me like a little kid.", he says while stuffing a spoon full of rice into his mouth. He really isn't that hungry, but he doesn't want to worry his friends.

"I'm sorry.", Pete says, still not taking his eyes off of his boyfriend.

"I know you're only worried cause you care, but if I was upset about something, I'd tell you."


Patrick kisses Pete on the cheek, "Of course. Besides, I don't think I could hide anything from you even if I wanted to."

Pete feels slightly better and he lets his thoughts ease off a little, but he can't help it that he's still a little nervous.


The crowd cheers as they finish their last song. Maybe it's because they actually enjoyed it, or maybe it was because they were excited that they were finally done, a little closer to their favorite band. Honestly, Pete doesn't even know who the headlining band was, he didn't really care anyways, but he still dragged Patrick along to say hi to them, something along the lines of, "Hey! We're one of the opening bands, and we wanted to say thanks. Great show by the way!"

"Do we have to?", Patrick mumbles as he follows Pete along the narrow hall. He always hated talking to the other bands they played with, he always felt so untalented standing next to them. He just hated it.

"Maybe if they like us, we can land a few more dates."

Patricks' body is tense when they enter the room, but he knows that their main priority is to try to tag along on the remaining tour. It'd be hard because they were nobodies, and these guys are climbing this music scene fast.

The guy, Patrick remembers as the lead singer, stands up and greets them with a smile when they walk in.

"Hey! Pete and Patrick, right? You guys were great tonight!", he says, treating them with a one arm hug.

The both of them were more than a little shocked that the guy actually knew who they were, they didn't even know his name and he was the lead singer of the headlining band.

"You guys are amazing! Look, I was talking to my agent, and we'd fucking love it if you'd come out to the rest of the dates with us! Of course I'm sure you guys would have to arrange some things, and it's not a set in stone yet, but I'd love for you guys to think about it."

Pete stumbles over his words a little, something he rarely does. "Yeah, of course, we'd love to!"

"I'll have our manager call you guys, and get things arranged. You guys aren't signed to any labels, right?"

Patrick shakes his head, "Not yet, no."

"Ahh, well this might be a little tricky then, but I'm sure we could make something work. But hey, I gotta go meet up with the other guys. It was great talking to you two, get back to me with the whole tour thing, ok?!"

The guy waves a silent goodbye and leaves the room. Pete and Patrick both stare at the door the guy had left through, their mouth hanging open a little.

"I can't believe that just happened."

"We don't even know his name."



"William," Pete repeats, "It's William. Joe told me earlier, he's a big fan."


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